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HTML5 Snow falling on my blog

Based on an interesting script of David Flanagan to generate a snow flake using recursive JavaScript and HTML5 <canvas>, I had some fun during the weekend and added some snow to my blog.A bocca aperta


David’s implementation is based on several canvas elements (one for each snow flake) added to the DOM tree and animated using CSS. I preferred to create only one Canvas and animate all the flakes inside it. To avoid the Canvas to block the interaction with the page I added it as an element with background priority.

 (function () {
     // Start Animation only if browser support <canvas>
     if (document.createElement('canvas').getContext) {
         if (document.readyState === 'complete')
             window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', Snow, false);
     var deg = Math.PI / 180;         // For converting degrees to radians
     var sqrt3_2 = Math.sqrt(3) / 2;  // Height of an equilateral triangle
     var flakes = [];               // Things that are dropping
     var scrollspeed = 64;   // How often we animate things
     var snowspeed = 500;    // How often we add a new snowflake
     var maxflakes = 20;     // Max number of flakes to be added at the same time
     var rand = function (n) { return Math.floor(n * Math.random()); }
     var canvas, sky;
     var snowingTimer;
     var invalidateMeasure = false;
     function Snow() {
         canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'fixed'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '0';
         document.body.insertBefore(canvas, document.body.firstChild);
         sky = canvas.getContext('2d');
         snowingTimer = setInterval(createSnowflake, snowspeed);
         setInterval(moveSnowflakes, scrollspeed);
         window.addEventListener('resize', ResetCanvas, false);
     function ResetCanvas() {
         invalidateMeasure = true;
         canvas.width = document.body.offsetWidth;
         canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
         sky.strokeStyle = '#0066CC';
         sky.fillStyle = 'white';
     function drawFlake(x, y, size, order) {;
         sky.translate(x, y);
         snowflake(order, 0, Math.floor(sqrt3_2 * y), size);
     function snowflake(n, x, y, len) {;           // Save current transformation
         sky.translate(x, y);   // Translate to starting point
         sky.moveTo(0, 0);      // Begin a new subpath there
         leg(n);             // Draw the first leg of the fractal
         sky.rotate(-120 * deg); // Rotate 120 degrees anticlockwise
         leg(n);             // Draw the second leg
         sky.rotate(-120 * deg); // Rotate again.
         leg(n);             // Draw the final leg
         sky.closePath();      // Close the subpath
         sky.restore();        // Restore original transformation
         // Draw a single leg of a level-n Koch snowflake.
         // This function leaves the current point at the end of
         // the leg it has drawn and translates the coordinate
         // system so the current point is (0,0). This means you
         // can easily call rotate() after drawing a leg.
         function leg(n) {
   ;               // Save current transform
             if (n == 0) {           // Non-recursive case:
                 sky.lineTo(len, 0);   //   Just a horizontal line
             else { // Recursive case:           _  _
                 //     draw 4 sub-legs like:  \/
                 sky.scale(1 / 3, 1 / 3);   // Sub-legs are 1/3rd size
                 leg(n - 1);           // Draw the first sub-leg
                 sky.rotate(60 * deg);   // Turn 60 degrees clockwise
                 leg(n - 1);           // Draw the second sub-leg
                 sky.rotate(-120 * deg); // Rotate 120 degrees back
                 leg(n - 1);           // Third sub-leg
                 sky.rotate(60 * deg);   // Back to original heading
                 leg(n - 1);           // Final sub-leg
             sky.restore();            // Restore the transform
             sky.translate(len, 0);    // Translate to end of leg
     function createSnowflake() {
         var order = 2;
         var size = 10 + rand(90);
         var t = (document.body.offsetWidth - 964) / 2;
         var x = (rand(2) == 0) ? rand(t) : t + 964 + rand(t); // Make it fit with my blog
         var y = window.pageYOffset;
         flakes.push({ x: x, y: y, vx: 0, vy: 3 + rand(3), size: size, order: order });
         if (flakes.length > maxflakes) clearInterval(snowingTimer);
     function moveSnowflakes() {
         sky.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
         var maxy = canvas.height;
         for (var i = 0; i < flakes.length; i++) {
             var flake = flakes[i];
             flake.y += flake.vy;
             flake.x += flake.vx;
             if (flake.y > maxy) flake.y = 0;
             if (invalidateMeasure) {
                 var t = (canvas.width - 964) / 2;
                 flake.x = (rand(2) == 0) ? rand(t) : t + 964 + rand(t);
             drawFlake(flake.x, flake.y, flake.size, flake.order);
             // Sometimes change the sideways velocity
             if (rand(4) == 1) flake.vx += (rand(11) - 5) / 10;
             if (flake.vx > 2) flake.vx = 2;
             if (flake.vx < -2) flake.vx = -2;
         if (invalidateMeasure) invalidateMeasure = false;
 } ()); 

I did a quick test check with performance, and it looks like IE9 perform better with CPU/Memory usage (IE9 Beta Refresh, Firefox 4 Beta7, Chrome 10 Canary, Opera 11Beta and Safari 5).


You can find the original script from David here, the script with my updates here.

Happy Holidays! Stella
