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Back from Australia and New Zealand: Thanks!

In the last weeks I had the pleasure to travel to Australia and New Zealand and spend some time with the local communities of web developers, designers, enthusiasts, students…to talk about Internet Explorer 8, HTML 5, Web Standards, Developer Tools, Expression Super Preview, Fiddler and much more…

I have to admit I’ve been very impressed by the level of enthusiasm coming from all the venues I’ve been at: Tech ED Gold Coast, Tech Ed Auckland, MSDN Unplugged, Auckland Web Meetup, Auckland and Victoria University, … I’d really like to thank all the thousands people I met for their participation and their feedbacks: GRAZIE! In particular, those two made my 25 hours trip back to Seattle more enjoyable:

“[…] very enlightening presentation which I believe effectively illustrated a major shift of attitude within Microsoft towards the web and related standards.” (Darko)

“While I went in as a skeptical developer […] I came out highly surprised and impressed” (Anselm)

It’s been great to meet face to face with my colleagues Nigel Parker and Michael Kordahi; those guys are just super stars…and they have a good sense of…”fashion” :-) . You really don’t want to miss their Photosynths (and a lot of other cool stuff!) here and here !!

Lastly I’d like to thank John Ballinger for organizing and inviting me to the Auckland Web Meetup; I really enjoyed meeting the usergroup and the Firefox team (leaded by Robert O'Callahan) and discussing together some of the pending issues that make so complex to write and implement the HTML 5 spec, and some of the ideas that will make developers and designers life easier (e.g. test cases, Expression SuperPreview, …).

So, to all of you, THANKS! :-)

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PS: starting from the next post, I will share the source code of my demos ;)


  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2009
    Is the checkCss code available for download?

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2009
    Soon on this space!

  • Anonymous
    October 15, 2009
    Can you tell me if Silverlight is an option for development under a platform using Windows CE 6.0 RC2. If so, I would appreciate any URL's that I could be directed to

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2009
    Thank you very much,I have read it now.