S+S Architecture Site on MSDN
Yesterday, we released (here) on the MSDN Architecture center a section dedicated to Software + Services (S+S).
We realized that depending on whether you are a large enterprise, an ISV, a hosting company or trying to establish yourself as a trusted marketplace for software services, you will have a different perspective on S+S. This site's intent is to cater for these different perspectives, by offering 4 sub sections:
- how to build S+S
- how to run S+S
- how to consume S+S
- how to monetize S+S
Note that it is the v1 release of the site so I am very open to feedback, gaps, suggestions etc. the only request is that you be constructive (if you don’t like it, please offer a suggestion, if you think things are missing, please provide us with of as detailed as possible description of what you are missing etc.)
Feel free to send me email via the contact link on the right hand side of the blog or by leaving a comment.
February 17, 2008
There's a new site for Software + Services (S+S) architects . The site will be valuable whether for thoseAnonymous
February 17, 2008
There's a new site for Software + Services (S+S) architects . The site will be valuable whether forAnonymous
February 17, 2008
The future is a combination of local software and Internet services interacting with one another. SoftwareAnonymous
February 17, 2008
The future is a combination of local software and Internet services interacting with one another. SoftwareAnonymous
February 25, 2008
so we meet again... What a great way to cut to the chase. What is your focus? Hey, I just want to monetizeAnonymous
April 16, 2008
Our friends over in DPE have released a new section on the MSDN site dedicated to S+S Here's a snippet