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SQL Data Sync table creation error

As you are setting your first SQL data sync between on-prem and Azure SQL you may come up with an error when trying to sync the group:

Database provisioning failed with the exception "SqlException Error Code: -2146232060 - SqlError Number:15247,
Message: User does not have permission to perform this action.
SqlError Number:2759, Message: CREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors.
"    For more information, provide tracing ID ‘3c3e1987-79ff-4984-b41c-69075b1ff18b’ to customer support.


As you can see it, we are getting the message about the permission issue. Here it's very clear that if we are able to give the permission to the user with which we are connecting the SQL instance ( user authenticated by SQL authentication). In my scenario, I gave the dbo permission as this was my primary user for the database by using the command shared in


Happy Learning & Troubleshooting!!


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