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Significant Dashboard update coming to Live!

This is the update that everyone has been waiting for, according to kotaku, we'll be seeing the following features get added:

  • Background Downloading (woo hoo!!!)
  • Marketplace trickplay controls
  • Enhanced photo viewing (via memory cards)
  • Music Player / DVD playback enhanced!  Now remembers where you were playing from
  • Dashboard boot, no more jumping to the last disk left in the drive
  • Friends status set when the screensaver activates
  • Support for XBL vision camera

I for one am VERY stoked to finally be getting background downloading.  I have opted out from downloading some of the larger demos because just watching it download makes me want to get playing games again :)  Anyways, next week I will be downloading demos while I play XBox Live Arcade games, woot!  The coolest thing here is that we're seeing some serious value add happening on these updates to the dashboard, who knows what features we will have by the time the PS3 and Wii come out!