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Music, Cool Word formatting Shortcuts

I've found a few shortcuts in Microsoft Word to be rather useful lately as I've been having to do a great deal of document reformatting, and these are some weird ones unless you are regularly writing in Word and need to constantly tinker with formats ^_^

CTRL+SHIFT+C - copy format
CTRL+SHIFT+V - paste format
CTRL+SHIFT+S - select the style dialogue

ALT+E ... A... F - Edit => clear => Formats (really useful when I get strange code formatting and I can't set my style to it)

Oh, and this one is pretty cool too, it reminds me of the split command for Vim.

CTRL+ALT+S - split the screen.
*edit* My officemate mentioned that paste special is pretty useful too, and used to be ALT+V.  Unfortunately this shortcut was taken by Alt=>view.  Anyways, it led me to these instructions for creating a macro for it. Oh, and she mentioned that CTRL+SPACEBAR will remove all formatting for a selection, fun!  Feel free to comment if you are a writer who has some useful shortcuts :)

Ok, enough nerdery related to word...  The music I've been listening to lately has been by

ytcracker and stc - check out the NES album, it's classy
mcchris - ENC 2.0 is sweet!
DJ GT - GT and Goku tear it up with the table skills.
DJ Doboy  -  Doboy is interesting, his mixes are done digitally so you don't hear much in terms of table skills, but his music selection is very forward.  Doboy can really pick the vocals!
Annie - I have been listening to "Heartbeat" on repeat for way too long this past week!