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Implications of Dead Rising Exceeding Capcom's Expectations

Initial Dead Rising sales have exceeded legendary console games publisher, Capcom's, expectations.  As pointed out in a next generation article, this is really good news for the Xbox 360 since Capcom will be more willing now to bring titles to the 360.

The article states:

"Fukuda speculated that the 'healthy sales' of Xbox 360 titles may prompt Capcom to take currently PS3-exclusive titles multi-platform. He wrote, 'If that happens, it will give the company a chance to make the most of its PC-based development program, which aims to enhance efficiency by utilizing PCs through the primary stages of development.'"

Let's just hope that we can get Devil May Cry on the 360...

Kotaku also covered this.  There is a lot of emphasis on how well the demo to buy system works.  I agree strongly with this since I went out and bought Fight Night just from how much fun I had playing the demo.