Creating filtered views
For lists and libraries with large numbers of items, users can access the items with a mix of views and search. The following are some suggestions for views that work well with an indexed column:
Recently changed To create a view of only the items that have changed in the past week, you can index the Modified column and then apply the filter Modified (Indexed) is greater than [Today]-7.
New items To create a view of only those items that were added in the past week, you can index the Created column and then apply the filter Created is greater than [Today]-7.
My items To create a view of only those items that you added, you can index the Created By column and then apply the filter Created By is equal to [Me] .
Due today For lists or libraries with a Due Date column, you can index that column and then apply the filter Due Date is equal to [Today] .
Discussion board updates To create a view of only the discussions that were updated in the past month, you can index the Last Updated column on a discussion board, create a new Subject view, and then apply the filter Last Updated is greater than [Today]-30.