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Did you know: Windows Embedded Virtual Labs

If you are interested in learning how to use Windows Embedded (CE or Standard), but you don’t want to spend hours downloading the free trial versions, and then dedicate hardware to installing them, in order to try them out, there is a great solution: the Windows Embedded Virtual Labs .

These labs, available for Windows Embedded Standard (8), Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (11), and Windows XP Embedded (2), are hosted for you on dedicated servers at the Microsoft facilities, and allow you to log on remotely via an ActiveX control hosted in your browser. No local install (besides the ActiveX), no hassle!

Virtual Lab

You get a lab manual and everything that’s needed to successfully familiarize yourself with the chosen topic. Couldn’t be easier, right?

The following labs are currently available:

Windows Embedded Standard Virtual Labs
Windows CE 6.0 Virtual Labs
Windows XP Embedded

Happy learning!