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It’s 4:30am… do you know where your developer is?

When we started this gig a few years ago, I asked Peter to make sure I didn't have to travel a lot. Well, sometimes that works out and sometimes it doesn't. Today's jaunt is just for a day down to San Jose, so not much to complain about really. Still, nobody should be leaving their house this early in the morning; it's just not natural.

Anyways, waiting for a plane in the lovely Alaska SeaTac Boardroom seems as good a time as any to reflect a bit on what's going on in my so-called life in Health Solutions. And you know what --- it's a pretty cool list! This week alone, I'll have had the opportunity to:

  • Strategize with the great folks at Golden Living about how to better connect their residents with their families and outside providers;
  • Build out the final pieces to get our Blue Button preview live;
  • Work with SMArt (get it?) dude Ben Adida to connect our stuff to his SHARP research;
  • Write a little code to walk certificate trust chains for NHIN Direct;
  • Push forward a home monitoring program for kids with diabetes;
  • Work through how to leverage Azure cloud storage for medical imaging stuff;
  • Get a deep update on a plan for speeding up XML searching in the HealthVault store; and
  • Sit in an interminable "leadership team" meeting for something like seven hours (ok, that part wasn't so great).

But really --- how many people get to participate in so many different kinds of projects, each one of which has the potential to meaningfully improve real peoples' health? I am indeed a pretty lucky guy.

So if you hear me complaining about the early mornings ... please just tell me to shut up.


  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2010
    Sean, You forgot to mention the late nights!  However, just like you, I must say I thoroughly enjoy the diversity of my job and getting to hang out with smart people, including you :) Bill Crounse, MD