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Silverlight Installation Switches

Below is a list of all of the Silverlight 1, 2, and 3 installation switches available and their description.  This will be included in the Silverlight Enterprise Deployment guide v2 which I’m writing - to be released soon.  In the mean time, here they are for your assistance:

The Silverlight install executable file has a number of different switches to customize the installation. The syntax of the setup file is as follows:

Silverlight <version> .exe

/q = quiet install or upgrade.  This installs or upgrades Silverlight without seeing the GUI.  When Silverlight is installed quietly, by default privacy related features such as DRM protected media playback and the Silverlight auto-update feature will be configured to prompt the user for permission on 1st use of the respective features. The Silverlight auto-update feature requires administrative rights so non-admin users will not be prompted.

/doNotRequireDRMPrompt = turns off the 1st use prompt allowing DRM Playback without requiring any end-user intervention. This setting is automatically included when the quiet install switch is used. By default, DRM Playback is set to prompt on 1st use.

/ignorewarnings = non-fatal warnings will not be reflected in the quiet installer return code but will instead return zero indicating success. This is useful if in testing or custom installation software requires a zero return code.

/noupdate = disables the Silverlight internal auto-updater. The Silverlight auto-updater requires administrative rights, so in environments where users have admin rights this switch may be used to prevent administrative users from being prompted to install updates if you want to control when updates to Silverlight are distributed. Group policy can also be used to implement this setting via a custom ADMX (see Silverlight Deployment Guide)

/qu = quiet uninstall. This uninstalls Silverlight without seeing the GUI. Note: This will only uninstall the exact same version that it installed, so is typically only useful for testing scenarios.

Note: The /doNotRequireDRMPrompt and /ignorewarnings switches are only available with the version of Silverlight 2 GDR 2 (KB 960353 / 2.0.40115.0) or later.