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Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4 video podcastid

10-4 video podcastide seeria - Visual Studio 2010 & .NET 4.0

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2009 avapostituses soovin teid informeerida ühest õige toredast Channel 9 keskkonnas ilmuvast video podcastide seeriast, kus tutvustatakse järgmise põlvkonna Visual Studio 2010 ja .NET raamistik 4.0 võimalusi. Sealt ka seeria nimetus “10-4”.

10-4 podcastid ilmuvad nädalase vahega ja esimene episood nägi ilmavalgust detsembri keskel. Esimesed osad alustavad päris algusest, annavad juhiseid arenduskeskkonna paigaldamiseks ja teevad üldisel tasemel sissejuhatusi uute versioonidega kaasnevale. Järgmised episoodid paljastavad juba sügavamalt Visual Studio 2010 ja .NET Framework 4.0 kapotialust.

Praeguseks on ilmunud kolm videosalvestust:

  • 10-4 episood 1: Working with the Visual Studio 2010 CTP VPC
    • we’ll look at how to download and use the Virtual PC image of the Visual Studio 2010 September CTP. We’ll give you tips on how to download this massive (7GB+ compressed) VPC, show you how to get past some pesky expiration issues, and get you started with the CTP walkthroughs. Lastly we’ll cover where to get assistance and provide your feedback about this release.
  • 10-4 episood 2: Welcome to Visual Studio 2010
    • we’ll take a very high-level look at Visual Studio 2010. We’ll discuss what types of features you can expect to see in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 depending on what type of developer you are. And lastly we’ll go ahead and dive into a revised area of Visual Studio: the Start Page. The Start Page in Visual Studio 2010 has been revised to be XAML-based and allows full customization.
  • 10-4 episood 3: ASP.NET WebForms 4.0
    • we’ll begin seeing how Visual Studio 10 and the .NET Framework 4.0 offer compelling new functionality for web developers. In this episode we’ll be specifically focusing on ASP.NET WebForms 4.0, and what enhancements it offers. We’ll be diving into the new client ID feature being introduced and see how it can be leveraged in web applications that have a high-reliance on client-centric development.

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