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2 tasuta e-raamatut: Windows SBS 2008 ja Visual Basic 2008 Express

Microsoft Press pakub oma 25nda juubeli puhul taas kaks tasuta e-raamatut täies mahus allalaadimiseks. Käoselev pakkumine kehtib 22. aprillini 2009, seega kes tunneb huvi, siis laadige raamat kohe alla.

Esimene raamat on suunatud Windowsi administraatoritele ja teine alustavatele arendajatele, kes tahavad teha algust Visual Basicus programmeerimisega.

  • Windows Small Business Server 2008 Administrator's CompanionWindows Small Business Server 2008 Administrator's Companion, Charlie Russel ja Sharon Crawford

    • This comprehensive administrator’s reference delivers the details you need to successfully deploy, manage, and support Windows Small Business Server 2008. This essential, single-volume reference details system capabilities and components—including Premium Edition features. Gain the real-world insights, workarounds, and troubleshooting tactics you need for on-the-job results.
      Discover how to:
      • Plan availability, security features, and fault tolerance into network infrastructure
      • Use Hyper-V™ to install and manage your network more efficiently
      • Migrate an existing Small Business Server 2003 network
      • Create and manage user roles, groups, and permissions
      • Configure hard disks for data integrity and redundancy, and manage storage
      • Set up e-mail and Internet connectivity
      • Use the console to manage network settings, shared resources, and backups—locally or remotely
      • Organize security settings with Group Policy preferences
      • Monitor, troubleshoot, and tune system performance
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: Build a Program Now! , Patrice Pelland

    • In this lively, eye-opening, hands-on book, all you need is a computer and the desire to learn how to program with Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. Featuring a full edition of the software, this fun and highly visual guide walks you through a complete programming project—a desktop weather-reporting application—from start to finish. You’ll get an introduction to the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment and learn how to put the lightweight, easy-to-use tools in Visual Basic Express Edition to work right away—creating, compiling, testing, and delivering your first ready-to-use program. You’ll get expert tips, coaching, and visual examples at each step of the way, along with pointers to additional learning resources.