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Post-Session at TechEd 2007

Thanks to all those die-hards who attended UNC309 session this morning at 8:30am, and to those who spent some time at the "Interactive Theatre" (ie - chalk-talk) session afterward for Q&A, much appreciated!

The session seemed to go fairly well, although even with placing a clock up on the presenter station to keep me on pace, I still ended up running a little long (and had to drop a couple of the more involved demos). 75 minutes just isn't enough time to demo the entirety of the greatness that is PowerShell+Exchange! At least not without talking EVEN FASTER than I already, naturally do!

So, in any case, sorry to the folks who I'd talked with before hand about the validation demo and using DirectoryEntry objects... I'll plan to post something up here on this topic in the near future since we didn't get to the demo in the breakout session.

After the primary session (PPT+Demos), we ended up back in the TLC area at "Green Threatre #5" for another 75 mins or so which we used directly for Q&A. Sorry to anyone who didn't find space in the theatre area - we ended up with quite a big crowd for this session, spilling out of the theatre, so I suspect it might have been hard to hear/see what was going on! Thanks to all for the great questions asked, and also to /n Software (Booth 1149 - check out their NetCmdlets product!) for the >_ stickers we handed out as freebies for asking questions during this session!

I'm going to step back and strategize what are the best couple of posts I can draw from the questions asked, demos skipped, etc. I'll try to post some good stuff here over the next week or so to wrap up. If you have any suggestions -- questions you didn't get to ask, things you thought of during lunch, whatever... please feel free to post here in the comments or send me an email!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Wolfgang - yup, I'll post some details into a top-level post shortly (rather than simply posting it into a comment reply).

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2007
    I attended your session, perfect. Can you share your SMTP example? Regards Wolfgang