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Actualizaciones acumulativas: Exchange 2007 SP3 RU16 | Exchange 2010 SP3 RU9 | Exchange 2013 CU8

Hola blogger@s!

La semana pasada se publicaron los siguientes paquetes acumulativos para Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 y Exchange 2013:

Exchange 2007
Update Rollup 16 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (KB3030086)

Exchange 2010
Announcing Update Rollup 9 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3

“ We would also like to remind users of Exchange Server 2010 that the product is now officially in Extended Support. We plan to release one more scheduled Update Rollup for Exchange Server2010 after which we will move to on-demand releases. Lifecycle policy for Exchange Server and other Microsoft products can be found on the Microsoft Support Lifecycle web site. “

Exchange 2013

Announcing Cumulative Update 8 for Exchange Server 2013

En cada enlace disponéis de información relativa a los fixes incluidos en cada paquete acumulativo, así como enlaces de descarga a los mismos.

Como siempre, esperamos que este post os sea de utilidad!

Hasta el próximo post.

Pedro Moreno