Regex 101 Discussion I8 - replace space count with spaces
Exercise I8 - replace space count with spaces Given a string with embedded space counts: <15sp>Indented by 15 spaces Replace the <<count>sp> with <count> spaces. So, if you have <4sp>Text you should end up with Text ******* This is fairly straightforward. First, we need to match the space count "thingy". We'll use: <?<Count>\d+)sp> And then we'll use a MatchEvaluator to do the replacement. |
static public string Evaluator(Match match)
int count = Int32.Parse(match.Groups["Count"].Value);
return new String(' ', count);
- Anonymous
February 28, 2006
typo... <?<Count>d+)sp> should be <(?<Count>d+)sp>