Missing columns...
Over the past month or so, I've been getting a number of requests for back columns that I wrote. If, for example, you do a web search on my dated and somewhat misleading and inaccurate column on app domains and dynamic loading, you will end up at an MSDN page that redirects you another MSDN page that doesn't exist.
I've been trying to get this fixed for a number of weeks but it's still broken. If they aren't fixed in the next couple weeks, I'm going to route around the problem and put them up on the blog. Please bear with me/us for the time being.
Actually, now that I think about it, it might be interesting to walk through them and update them. Hmm...
March 08, 2007
As a matter of fact, I ran into this today when I was looking for your article on AppDomains and Dynamic Loading. You wouldn't happen to know were I could get a copy (or link) to that article? Thanks in advance. Roy BergerAnonymous
March 08, 2007
Hi, Eric I emailed you the other day regarding this issue... I think I forgot, or rather didn't wan't to bother you again, but I did find that article! But it wasn't on the net... Since we are MSDN subscribers I managed to find it on one such DVD. It would be great to see an updated version regarding this stuff! /TommyAnonymous
March 28, 2007
I bumped into the same problem today looking for AppDomains and Dynamic Loading. I'm trying to write a WindowsService that downloads it's DLLs from a web service.Anonymous
March 28, 2007
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