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Hola, buenas,


Hace tres meses os comentamos que se estaba preparando una conferencia virtual de Project, la cual tendrá lugar los días 22 y 23  de Octubre de 2015:

y hace unos días que se publicó su agenda:


A continuación os ofrecemos los enlaces a las distintas sesiones:

22 de Octubre de 2015:

Key Note- Beyond 2015- The Shape of Things to Come for Microsoft Project

Waterfall and Agile – The benefits of living together in Project Online / Server

Putting the “power” into Power BI with new Project Online BI features

PMO Resource Strategies, Monitoring and Automation

Project Online BI Made Easy

Project Online Data Visualization with FluentPro EPM Pulse for PMO and Executives

Customer Story: Whiteboard & Excel Scheduling to Enterprise Product Launch Management with Project Professional

Implementing Gartner’s PPM Reporting recommendations in Project Online and Project Server

Automate Business Processes with Workflow

Resource Engagements – Now PMs and RMs can be friends!

Power BI and Project Online: Business Intelligence is necessary, but can also be fun

Automate your status reports

Mastering Master Projects

Reporting in MS Project Client

Introduction to Project VBA – how to boost your productivity

A Sneaky Use of Visibility Projects for Smart Work Management

Managing the Accelerated Insertion of Project Online

Large Program Schedule Success: Making it happen with the Tool and with your Stakeholders

Extracting Data from the Black Hole: Creating Custom Views in Microsoft Project 2010 and 2013

Learn how a Dynamic Approach to Reallocation can Increase Project & Portfolio ROI with Microsoft Project Online/Server

Successful use of Scrum & Agile with Project & Project Server / Project Online

Strategic Vision planning, executing and success with TAD

Resource Planning Made Easy

Advanced Microsoft Project Techniques: Focusing on Scheduling and Resource Management

Tips and Tricks in Troubleshooting issues with Project and Project Server


23 de Octubre de 2015:

Resource Plans: When and How

PPM from the Executive’s Perspective

It’s all about the Base(lines): Tracking and Variance in MS Project

Reporting Best Practices

Tips and tricks in using MS Project/Project Server

Hammers are for Nails

One Year in the Life of a Program Manager

Visio timelines for project managers

Supercharge Your Project Sites

Project online and Power BI: Projects Insight

Five incorrect ways to use Microsoft Project stand alone version

Reporting in Project Online for Dummies

Using Your Mind(Map) to Quickly Structure Your Next Project Plan, When Collaboration Is Key

Leveraging Nintex for Project Management Nirvana

Task Types – Final Demistification

Project Status Reporting and Analyzing system

Cost management in MS Project Professional

Resource Manager vs Project Manager: Coordinate your team plan with project demand

80% of Project Management is communication and collobaration, so what can the Microsoft Project do for you?

Successful business value realization with Lean Startup and Project Online

Microsoft Project for Everyone

Integrated Project Planning as a way to improve Organizations efficiency and visibility

Being Agile with Microsoft Project

Learn how to use Power BI with Project Online

Eli, Critical Chain (not Path), Portfolios and Microsoft Project

Ch-Ch-Change: Mass User Adoption – a story of Primavera-to-Project Server conversion

Creating a Critical Path Indicator with Microsoft Project

No Process No Project!

Program Management With MS-Project Server & Matan MasterLink

Integrating Schedule and Resources Across Multiple Projects in Complex Program Management Environments

Ten ways to improve your Project Server Implementation

Learn How Adding Financial Controls Makes Microsoft Project Online/Server an Even Better PPM Solution


como veis, hay un montón de sesiones interesantes; ahí nos vemos Sonrisa.


Un saludo


Jorge Puig