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BlueHat v9 Brings the Looking Glass To You...


Celene Temkin

Program Manager 2 & BlueHat Project Manager

Culinary warfare, BlueHat hackers and responsible disclosure

Acts of hubris, MySpace, orange mocha Frappaccinos!

Celene here from the MSRC Ecosystem Strategy Team. BlueHat v9: Through The Looking Glass ended just over a month ago and the success of the con lives on due to the outstanding training and networking between Microsoft employees, external speakers, and guests. I'm happy to say that the speaker video interviews and selected recorded presentations are now live on the BlueHat TechNet Page. As promised, we have posted talks from every track block. The samples available are from the e-crime, cloud, mobile and fuzzing content blocks.

As you probably know by now, BlueHat is primarily about educating our own Microsoft population so we can better understand how to build more secure products. The more we know about the security ecosystem, the more we at Microsoft can truly comprehend and assess our security reality. Our secondary goals are to build bridges and bring transparency to the security community to facilitate positive information exchanges.

One way we measure how well are meeting our goals is through surveying our attendees. Here are some of the survey highlights from BlueHat v9 that I want to share with you.

Survey Results for BlueHat General Sessions:

  • 92% of attendee respondents believed the overall quality of the event (speakers, venue, logistics, etc.) was good or excellent
  • 92% of attendee respondents felt attending was a good use of their time
  • 74% of attendee respondents say they will be able to apply knowledge they learned at the BlueHat general sessions to make their product(s) more secure

W00t! Strong numbers like those make it all worth it, I tell you! Big thanks to all our speakers and now new members of the BlueHat network, the BlueHat content review team, and Dana Hehl for making everything look so easy.

Mark your calendars! The next BlueHat is October 14-15, 2010. See you all there.

-Celene Temkin

BlueHat Project Manager

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