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Paul Vick discusses the question that just won't go away... VB or C#?

I get this question a lot, and I explain many of the same things that Paul goes through in this post, so I'd love it if more people would read this material:

The "native" .NET language?
In the comments on my post on language choice , Patrick asked “isn't C# the language that's most 'native' to the .NET environment?” Christopher then follows up with a related question as to whether developers should use functions in the System namespace instead of ones in the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace because the former might be faster. We see these kinds of questions fairly often, so it's worth discussing them a little bit.

Read the whole post for the rest of his comments


Some related material on MSDN:


Visual Basic .NET Internals (by Derek Hatchard and Scott Swigart)


  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004

    Hi ! This is saisree

    I am developing one project in
    in that i need to create a website in a win 2000 server at run time in
    shall u give answer ? Plz .
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004

    Hi ! This is saisree

    I am developing one project in
    in that i need to create a website in a win 2000 server at run time in
    shall u give answer ? Plz .
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004

    Hi ! This is saisree

    I am developing one project in
    in that i need to create a website in a win 2000 server at run time in
    shall u give answer ? Plz .