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Microsoft announces Developer Preview for Dynamics GP 2015

Kevin Racer - Click for blog homepageMicrosoft is pleased to announce the availability of the developer preview for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015.  This partner only preview is available to any registered Microsoft Dynamics GP partner and can be downloaded from PartnerSource.  The preview itself is comprised of four parts that once downloaded can be extracted into a single virtual machine instance containing a fully functional installation of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Based Architecture (SBA).  Information on using the virtual machine can be found in the attached readme document (at bottom of article).
The preview is intended to promote the exploration and early adoption of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Based Architecture by partners and ISV developers and cannot be used for customer test or production environments.  The Service Based Architecture is a set of new component services as well as changes to the Dexterity IDE and runtime that enables the creation of REST based web service operations that leverage existing sanScript code based functionality.  The Dexterity IDE has also been significantly enhanced to interoperate with Microsoft's .NET framework making it easier to use .NET classes and objects with in the sanScript language.  Users of the preview are encouraged to regularly check our blogs for updates and informational examples on this new architecture.


Part 1

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part1.rar
File Size 4193280 KB


Part 2

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part2.rar
File Size 4193280 KB


Part 3

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part3.rar
File Size 4193280 KB


Part 4

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part4.rar
File Size 1084807 KB


Don't forget to download the Readme document attached to the bottom of this article.


Please post your feedback as comments on the blog. 

Until next time




  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2014
    the links don't appear to be working

  • Anonymous
    September 02, 2014
    MGummel I think the links work, but you might find that the File Exchange plugin is failing to start. Have you tried from another machine? David

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2014
    Hi David, Thank you for providing the developer preview. Do you have any examples of how to connect to the web services from a Java client? In particular, I'm interested in the NTLM authentication code.

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2014
    If the web service returns a status code of 500 (internal error), how can I find out what the error is? I can't find anything in the Event Viewer and I cannot find any log files in the file system. Does the web services log information anywhere?

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2014
    There are three logs you can look to for information on requests that fail, the GP Service log, Dexterity Service Log and the Request Log.  All logs are located in ProgramDataMicrosoft DynamicsGPSvcLogs. The Dexterity Service log will tell you if the request made it to the Dexterity instance and is in the Inst_DefaultInstanceDexterityService directory. All requests tie together with a correlation ID.

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2014
    Yup, that worked. Here's the code to fix the error with the Accept header: HttpURLConnection conn; //...other code goes here conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "/");

  • Anonymous
    October 03, 2014
    We are trying to dag the Dex Dictionary (GP 2015 Dex Next) which has service procedure. The dag is failing with the message "No DotNet type provided in Metadata for object "inout<0>1" of global script .... Any one know why we are getting that message? It compiles fine and the .NET assemblies used are added to library of dictionary

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2014
    actually it worked by using correct dag.exe from dexterity folder

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2014
    We are trying to see what happens with our product dictionary and Dex 14.0 but the hyper-v demo machine cannot see the server we've got vss on.  It gives a socket error 11001. Is there someplace I can download the beta/preview Dex14.0 from? Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2014
    Does GP 2015 actively exploit SQL AlwaysOn as a feature, or just passively sit on top of it (as with Team Foundation Server and GP 2013 do)? I'm hoping that Microsoft products become AlwaysOn "aware" at some point, and have functionality added to them to actively use the feature, rather than passively benefiting from the HA it provides at the database layer. Has anything been added to GP 2015 in that regard?

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2016
    En principio me parece excelente la idea de que MS proporcione esta herramienta para los desarrolladores e implementadores.Yo en estos momentos estoy tratando de instalarla.Un poco después los retroalimento de mis resultados.Saludos cordiales a todos los involucrados.

    • Anonymous
      May 16, 2016
      The comment has been removed