Two birds, one stone [Silverlight/WPF Data Visualization Development Release 2 and DataVisualizationDemos update]
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November 04, 2009
Hi, The above trick for sharing XAML across both platforms won't work for TabControl. Do you know of any way around this? It would be very useful. Thanks aaadrianAnonymous
November 05, 2009
aaadrian, TabControl/TabItem aren't sealed, so the first (easy) version of the trick works fine for me. I just created a new solution which shares MainPage.xaml across Silverlight and WPF. Here's the code. MainPage.xaml (shared): <UserControl x:Class="XamlSharedTabControlSL.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:XamlSharedTabControlSL"> <Grid> <local:TabControl> <local:TabItem Header="Header 1" Content="Item 1"/> <local:TabItem Header="Header 2" Content="Item 2"/> </local:TabControl> </Grid> </UserControl> MainPage.xaml.cs (shared): using System.Windows.Controls; namespace XamlSharedTabControlSL { public partial class MainPage : UserControl { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); } } public class TabControl : System.Windows.Controls.TabControl { } public class TabItem : System.Windows.Controls.TabItem { } } Window1.xaml (WPF): <Window x:Class="XamlSharedTabControlWPF.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:XamlSharedTabControlSL"> <Grid> <local:MainPage/> </Grid> </Window> Hope this helps!