New phone bits, same pretty charts [Upgraded my Windows Phone 7 Charting example for the Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta]
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July 29, 2010
Thanks for doing this!Anonymous
September 27, 2010
I've been trying to find a solution for graphing on windows phone 7 and this looks like one. Tried downloading the example and I get this error: "Manifest validation fails: ValidationSchemaValidation" Any ideas on what it could be. Also some more examples using the latest release of windows phone 7 sdk would be great. Thanks for showing this as a reference.Anonymous
September 27, 2010
Zo, Sorry for the trouble! The WMAppManifest.xml file in that ZIP hadn't been updated for the RTM Tools release, so it had some old entries the newer Tools didn't like. I've just tweaked that file and updated the ZIP download, so please try again and it should work for you! PS - Please don't forget to Unblock the ZIP after downloading it; I have directions at the end of this post:
October 03, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 03, 2010
Zo, Please have a look at this follow-up post I did a couple months ago: In that post, I describe the customization steps in a bit more detail and talk about a few things I did to make the process of creating charts with a consistent Windows Phone 7 theme easier to accomplish. Hope this helps!