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Deep Zoom Tiled Picture Mosaic

After the Amplify09 expo I thought I would take the Augmented Reality (with Twitter, Live Mesh and Multi Touch) pictures and add them as a mosaic. This article made it all sound very easy,  Deep Zoom from experience would create a good experience whilst optimising bandwidth.

With 350 pictures between 1 and 4Mb (converted from PNG to JPG using Imagicon) the mosiac I created using AndreaMosiac (free!) was almost 60Mb. Sending a 60Mb file wouldn’t be well received or accepted so the 20k window for Deep Zoom makes perfect sense.

So, do I use DeepZoomPix or Silverlight Streaming as the Deep Zoom Composer allows for both?

What I found was that as the Deep Zoom Composer had changed over time – something that is evident if you follow this simple DeepZoom host setup steps article.

In short Silverlight Streaming offer more flexibility on hosting Silverlight applications in general. DeepZoomPix does much of the effort but has a finite lifespan  (that will be available until December 31st, 2009)

When I finally used it told me I had the wrong plug in but the redirected site said I was up to date.

Although I started to see errors on my publication such as

This copy of the Silverlight plug-in has expired.
The version of the Silverlight plug-in installed on your system is no longer valid. Please go to for the latest version.

Then redirecting me to get the latest Silverlight code, the Silverlight install site kept telling me

The latest version of Silverlight 2 is installed:

version Silverlight 2 GDR 1 (2.0.40115.0)

I did reinstall the Silverlight client again but I found that the error was a publication error (ie. I was simply submitting too many images/size or my upload  did not complete on time). After a few attempts I have my mosaic up here as well as lots of the single pictures zoomable here  (to be grouped).

image image