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ASP.NET Model View Controller Framework Quick Look

A couple of weeks back I did a presentation that included some ASP.NET MVC Framework preview materials thanks to some help from Tatham Oddie (Readify). He was really great and walked me through his presentation he did for the Solution Development Centre local TechTalk . We covered the new routes framework (awesome), the addition of AJAX to MVC, testing and the use of user controls using implicitly named directory structure. No wonder he is an MVP in this area as he has been covering this area for many years.

If you want to hear Tatham speak on the subject here is a recent presentation he did: (48MB, 47min)

Or see his Remix presso here: (40MB, 42min)

My contribution was to point out some amusing videos on the subject:

My favourite being #1 Controller Obesity

Also, there is the MVC Song in mp3 format if you just can't get it out of your head.

I believe that are form the Ruby on Rails (RoR or Ruby for short) company called RailsEnvy. Wikipedia says "like many contemporary web frameworks, Rails uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for organizing application programming. Rails provides 'out of the box' scaffolding which can quickly construct most of the models and views needed for a basic website"