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Some Interesting Downloads for BizTalk Server 2004

I have been doing a few bits a pieces with BizTalk Server recently (after several weeks doing other stuff), and there some interesting new(ish) downloads that I came across that I would recommend.

First of all, there is a high availability white paper. A couple of people have asked recently about scalability and failover with BizTalk Server, so this is worth reading, not only to understand the various configuration options available, but also to understand a little better the BizTalk architecture, and how it hosts orchestrations, pipelines and send/receive ports, and how it can scale up and out.

The BizTalk Adapter for Web Services Enhancement (WSE) 2.0 is out of beta, and has finally been released, so if you have been working with WSE and implementing WS-Security, then this adapter supports WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation, WS-SecurityPolicy, and WS-Policy.

However, the best bit has to be the document update – this is the one topic that gets the most feedback – it’s the lack of good technical material. The product group are trying to address this, so be sure to get the latest product documentation. They have also updated the BizTalk Server 2004 Installation Guide. There are also some BizTalk Server 2004 tutorials I spotted, though I haven’t had the chance to check them out yet.