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Get Started with InfoPath 2007 Browser Forms and Workflow in MOSS 2007

During Developer & IT-Pro Days 2007 one of our Belgian SharePoint Services MVP's and active BIWUG members - Joris Poelmans - will be delivering the session "DEV312 Working with browser-enabled InfoPath forms and workflows in MOSS 2007".

Joris plans to cover the following topics as part of his presentation:

  • Introducing InfoPath Forms Services
    • Working with browser-enabled forms
    • Using Data connection files and managed code
  • Windows Workflow Foundation
    • Introduction
    • SharePoint as a workflow host
  • Workflow development in SharePoint
    • SharePoint Designer 2007
    • Visual Studio development

And especially on the first topic Microsoft IT has created a PowerPoint file detailing how to use InfoPath 2007 to create custom forms or convert existing Word documents to forms. It will also explain how to distribute your forms using Outlook or SharePoint.

Topics in the guide:

  • Publish a Form Template to SharePoint Server 2007
    • Publish the form template to a Document Library. This option makes forms based on your template available in a specific Document Library. To publish a form template to a Document Library, you must have permission to create libraries and lists on the site.
    • Publish the form template to a SharePoint Server 2007 site as a content type. This option makes that template available across a site collection. You don’t have to create multiple templates to publish them in multiple libraries. For instance, you can publish one status report form and add it to all of the document libraries in a department. Alternatively, you can publish multiple content types to one library, such as travel request, trip report, and expense report forms. To publish a form template as a content type, you must have permission to manage the site.
  • Complete a Form in SharePoint Server 2007
  • View Completed Forms in SharePoint Server 2007

If this on-line document doesn't satisfy your technical curiosity ... you can still visit Developer & IT-Pro Days 2007 ;-).

Technorati tags: Developer & IT-Pro Days 2007, MOSS 2007, Workflow, InfoPath Forms
