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Sun’s Java Loses to Microsoft’s .NET in monitoring weapons sales

 This news comes from Defense Industry Daily:

The Defense Security Assistance Management System (and see DISAM Journal 2000 review) is a worldwide automated information system that is used for managing the USA’s multi-billion Foreign Military Sales Program. Legal restrictions concerning military technology transfers force all purchases to be managed as FMS purchases, and DSAMS was designed to replace 13 automated information systems used by US agencies to perform this role. It is currently programmed using Sun Microsystems’ Unified Development Server environment, formerly known as Forte.

Now Softsol Technologies Inc. has received a firm-fixed-price contract for $11 million to transform the business application software using Transactional Object-Oriented Language, to Microsoft’s .NET programming framework. At this time, all funds have been obligated (HQ0013-08-C-0002).

As Microsoft continues to increase its adoption of open standards, I expect to see much more of this (x-posted at the IntelFusion blog).