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NZ Launch Wrap up Evaluations - Thank you!

Nigel has blogged on the launch evaluation statistics.  I.e. what you thought of the launch event.

Nigel blew us all away and scored the highest overall session scores (although I pipped him on the best speaker score).

Still on the topic of Launch if you were one of the thousand + people that attended my session in Wellington, Christchurch or Auckland... Thank you for rating my session the best overall across all 3 cities with an average rating of 4.28 out of 5 (Darryl came in a close second with 4.15 out of 5)!

Also congratulations to Darryl for getting top speaker across the events... with an average rating of 4.43 out of 5 (I came in a close second with 4.35).

I want to say a big congrats to Nigel and a huge thank you to you!

We all put a lot of work into the launch and we were thrilled to see that the average score across the board (for all speakers - except the keynote) was 4.0 out of 5. 

For both Nigel and I it was our first big presentation since starting at Micrsoft and it was scary, exciting and challenging preparing to present to you, but each audience was fantastic to present to, and interested in the technology - so THANK YOU!