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Microsoft Research Releases Tools to Help Science Progress Toward an AIDS Vaccine

You know there are times when superlatives don't do justice - I'll just leave it at this - David and Carl are doing great things - take a look at the app and the code...and the cool part is that the PhyloD code will run on the DigiePede Network.....

Microsoft Research Releases Tools to Help Science Progress Toward an AIDS Vaccine

After two years of pioneering work and collaboration in AIDS research, Microsoft openly shares its software source code with the greater scientific community to help expedite global research.

Microsoft Resources:

Microsoft Computational Biology Web Tools

Microsoft Computational Biology Web Tools Source Code

Epitope Prediction Tool white paper

Science Web Site

AIDS/HIV: Finding Footprints Among the Trees (paid subscription required)

Founder Effects in the Assessment of HIV Polymorphisms and HLA Allele Associations (paid subscription required)

REDMOND, Wash., June 13, 2007 -- The source code for a set of software tools developed by Microsoft Research to advance AIDS vaccine research and development is available for download starting today from Microsoft’s CodePlex Web site. By sharing the code openly and at no charge with the worldwide AIDS research community, Microsoft hopes to spur other scientists and researchers to take up the tools and even build on them, thereby speeding the way toward a vaccine.

The code for four software tools is available now at no charge via CodePlex, an online portal created in 2006 to foster collaborative software development projects and host shared source code as part of Microsoft’s Shared Source Initiative. The tools and source code are an initial piece of Microsoft’s technical computing effort – a company-wide initiative to collaborate with the worldwide scientific community by reducing the time to new scientific insights and breakthroughs by furthering the state of information technology in scientific research.

Source: Microsoft Research Releases Tools to Help Science Progress Toward an AIDS Vaccine: After two years of pioneering work and collaboration in AIDS research, Microsoft openly shares its software source code with the greater scientific community to help expedite global research.
