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Windows Azure DevCamps Silicon Valley | October 28-29, 2011


Event Location

Mt. View, CA Date Oct. 28-29, 2011 Time 8:00AM - 6:00PM Location Silicon Valley Center 1065 La Avenida St Building 1 Mt. View, CA 94043 REGISTER NOW >> Events run from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Featured Presenter clip_image004[7]

James Conard James Conard is the Senior Director of the Windows Azure Evangelism team at Microsoft. His team is responsible for helping developers build applications in Windows Azure by providing key development resources including toolkits, samples, and training kits and by engaging with the community through conferences, training events and Developer Camps. We'll also see presentations from: Bruno Terkaly , Wade Wegner, Roger Doherty, Nick Harris and Bruno Nowak


Come join us for 2 days of cloud computing!

Developer Camps (DevCamps for short) are free, fun, no-fluff events for developers, by developers. You learn from experts in a low-key, interactive way and then get hands-on time to apply what you've learned.

What am I going to learn at the Windows Azure Developer Camp? At the Azure DevCamps, you'll learn what's new in developing cloud solutions using Windows Azure. Windows Azure is an internet-scale cloud computing and services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. Windows Azure provides an operating system and a set of developer services used to build cloud-based solutions. The Azure DevCamp is a great place to get started with Windows Azure development or to learn what's new with the latest Windows Azure features.

Come for one day, come for both. Either way, you'll learn a ton. Here's what we'll cover. Agenda

Day 1

• Getting Started with Windows Azure

• Using Windows Azure Storage

• Understanding SQL Azure

• Securing, Connecting, and Scaling Windows Azure Solutions

• Windows Azure Application Scenarios

• Launching Your Windows Azure App

Day 2

On Day 2, you'll have the opportunity to get hands on developing with Windows Azure. If you're new to Windows Azure, we have step-by-step labs that you can go through to get started right away. If you're already familiar with Windows Azure, you'll have the option to do build an application using the new Windows Azure features and show it off to the other attendees for the chance to win prizes. Either way, Windows Azure experts will be on hand to help. clip_image007[7]