Microsoft DevCamps for Phone, Cloud and Web
Developer Camps (DevCamps for short) are free, fun, no-fluff events for developers, by developers. You learn from experts in a low-key, interactive way and then get hands-on time to apply what you've learned. Check out the four different DevCamps currently being offered and register today!
Join us to learn about the exciting new Windows Azure developer platform! Windows Azure will open up a host of new application and multi-screen development opportunities, and this briefing will give you a jumpstart in understanding how to take advantage of them.
HTML5 Web Camp
As developers, you keep hearing a lot about HTML5, but many don't know what it actually means or is truly capable of. If you want to learn about it, your choices are limited. The HTML5 Web Camp is an opportunity to connect with designers and developers and show you what's possible, and how you can start using it today. Space is limited.
Take your apps to the next level at the Windows Phone Dev Camp. We'll be covering how to bring the cloud to your app by consuming external APIs, add UX polish with Expression Blend, reach new markets through globalization and localization, and keep your app running at peak performance through advanced debugging and testing. In the afternoon, we'll break into labs to reinforce what we covered, and offer a chance to present your application for a chance to win in our application competition.
If you're a student, interested in attending DevCamp (Phone Camp, particularly), we'd love to have you join us for a night of preparation and pizza! We want to be sure you have all the tools you need to be successful with the professional developer community.
March 30, 2012 | Los Angeles | University of Southern California
DevCamps |
Student Prep Night (March 29) |
April 20, 2012 | Irvine | UC Irvine Extension
DevCamps |
Student Prep Night (April 19) |
April 27, 2012 | Redmond | Microsoft Conference Center
DevCamps |
May 18, 2012 | Denver | University of Colorado at Denver
DevCamps |
Student Prep Night (May 17) |
May 25, 2012 | Phoenix | Desert Willow Conference Center
DevCamps |