MMS and FEP!
Hi Everyone,
Microsoft Management Summit is just a few days away in Las Vegas. We hope to see you there. You will see a lot of Forefront Endpoint Protection (FEP) at MMS this year!
Here’s the list of Forefront Endpoint Protection Sessions at MMS, please make sure to check them out. Please stop by at the FEP kiosk and share your feedback with the FEP extended team of engineers and consultants from around the world.
Wed 3/23 |
10:15a - 11:30a |
BI01 Advanced Malware Threat Detection and Removal with Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 |
Wed 3/23 |
4:00p - 5:15p |
Thu 3/24 |
4:00p - 5:15p |
Wed 3/23 Thu 3/24 |
11:45a - 1:00p 4:00p - 5:15p |
Wed 3/23 |
5:30p - 6:30p |
BOF: Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 Setup and Configuration (Birds of Feather-Interactive session) |
Looking forward to meeting you in Las Vegas!
Adwait Joshi
Sr. Technical Product Manager
Management and Security Division