SharePoint Workflow settings
Hello All,
Customer recently asked me about this and since i had to go hunting I figured i would leave this here for you. Users are having problems running Workflows they will run sporatically and sometimes take quite a bit of time to execute.
Here are the commands that I recommend:
- Setting the Throttle Size, this is a setting that defines the maximum number of concurrently running workflows in IIS against a content database, The default value is 15.
- To set it run this command, where XX is the threshold you want to set.
Set-SPFarmConfig -WorkflowPostponeThreshold XX
- To review what is currently set run this command
Get-SPFarmConfig | FT WorflowPostponeThreshold
- Setting the Batch size, This is the items that are allowed in the queue of the Timer Service (Per server it is running on). Suggest this number be larger than throttle size to provide a better end user experience while protecting the SharePoint service. NOTE: Since Timer Service handles lots of other services, workflow is not necessarily its main priority.
- To set it run this command, where XXX is the batch size you want set
Set-SPFarmConfig -WorkflowBatchSize XXX
- To review what is currently set run this command
Get-SPFarmConfig | FT WorkflowBatchSiz
See this article if you are curious about other settings.