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New OneNote 2007 PowerToys

Dan Escapa is on a tear releasing a set of new PowerToys for OneNote 2007. What's going on is that a whole bunch of PowerToys were written internally on the OneNote team and by some of our "friends" inside the company over the last six months. As the 2007 has now shipped (and therefore the API set is frozen) these Powertoys are getting finalized. And if I know Dan, he's been too busy to get them out but now he's a man with a mission. PowerToys are a way to add features that we couldn't do in core code on the main schedule. Of course powertoys are not tested as much, so they are basically "use at your own risk". (rarely a problem is encountered though in my experience)

Here are the ones out so far:

Word Count. We get asked by some people to be able to know how many words are on a page for articles and essays and so on. here you go.

Send to OneNote (from the file explorer/shell). Ever looked at a file in My Documents or elsewhere and thought, "I want to push that into OneNote so I can add it to my project, make some comments about it, etc? Now you can.

Export Outlook Notes to OneNote. Lots of people use Outlook's Notes feature to keep track of little scraps of info. Or rather, they used to use it until OneNote came along and blew it away. Now you can push all those little honeys into OneNote where they belong.

More to come. Stay tuned to Dan's blog.

UPDATE: Dan's got another powertoy, this time it is "Sort Pages". You can now put all your pages in alphabetical order. Rock on, Dan!


  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2007
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2007
    Is there any plan to support OLE in OneNote? Few colleagues and myself were using words since a while to gather notes, ideas, graphs, math equations, etc... The new OneNote seems great, specially its way of organizing things and havin multiple small pages at a glance as opposed to word documents. But a lot of the think we use to have in word can't be placed in OneNote otherwise than by bitmap captures. Hence my question, is there any ways to insert OLE object into OneNote?

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2007
    Hey, guys...your Onenote crashes when I try to use hyperlinks to another onenote page (onenote 2007).  This happens each and every time when I try to export the  notebook as a pdf using your PDF publish add-in. Please help. Ken Lee

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2007
    These sound great! I'm just getting into OneNote and see it's incredible potential. One PowerToy that I would really like is a "Send from Firefox to OneNote" extension. Does anyone know if such a thing exists for OneNote 2007 and Firefox 2.x? Thanks, Wayne

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2007
    Francois, the short answer is that the team has to do a cost/benefit tradeoff of supporting OLE vs other work they could do. Can you help by detailing what OLE objects you would need to insert, and ideally how important each type is? Ken Lee: naturally I cannot repro your crash. I will ask the test team to contact you. Wayne: You can try installing this FF extension: BTW that extension is hardcoded to work only with a max version of 1.5.x. The comments on this page show how to modify it to install with 2.0: I hope someone just fixes the installer so others don't have to use the workaround.

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2007
    I did try the modified Clip to OneNote extension but it does not bring in the web page cleanly like the bulit-in Explorer Send to OneNote tool does. Now that Explorer has tabbed viewing, I would love to switch back but there are several Firefox extensions that I depend on. None-the-less, thanks for the suggestion!! Wayne

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2007
    Will these Powertoys work with One Note 2003? Just for the record, I think One Note is one of the most underestimated pieces of software available to the public.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2007
    I LOVE OneNote .. I use it all the time as my one shop note taker and with a tablet pc it is even better

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2007
    Chris, Thanks for asking. I guess the most important one would be to have good support for mathematic equations, like latex, or word equation. I am sure many academics would need that too.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2007
    Due to a busy travel schedule and working on the agenda of Dev & IT-Pro Days 2007 , I haven't been

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2007
    Wayne: sorry, I haven't actually used that extension myself (not a FF user). Other people have told me they like it. Steve: no sorry, these new PowerToys use the expanded API that OneNote 2007 supports so they do not work with 2003. Francois: Ok, if equations are the main (only?) one that's good data. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2007
    These sound great. I was frustrated by 2003 and fired up 2007 for the first time today. So much easier to tidy up my messy "structure".  The links to Outlook (that's my area) are good and I am looking forward to trying your toys soon too. OneNote and Outlook on a Tablet is most definitely the most under-rated set of tools for senior managers that I have ever come across.  Businesses and government departments spend a fortune on their managers' desks and chairs and then don't give them the best IT tools. Go figure?

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2007
    Chris, maybe not the only one, but certainly a very important one. Something like CMAP graphs would also be extremely usefull. Add these two features (and relative path link) and I'll buy a dozen!

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2007
    Thanks for the reply Chris, but I have just been checking through the various One Note blogs/info pages, and it seems that all the new stuff, Powertoys etc are being written for One Note 2007. I suppose that is only to be expected, but is there nothing for One Note 2003? If there is, can someone point me in the right direction?

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2007
    Judy: thanks! we just need a few more million people to think the way you do :-) Francois: for the relative links, OneNote sort of already supports that. You can link relatively to another page in the same section e.g. Onenote://#pagetitle. Onenote absolute links are also somewhat robust in that if a page moves inside a notebook we can often still link you to it. What sort of relative links are you looking for? Steve: check out my past posts on OneNote 2003 powertoys: Also

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2007
    I'm also a big fan of onenote.  Though there are still some features I'd like that it doesn’t have.  For example, it's one of the few with the ability to tag not only sheets of notes, but individual paragraphs, and that's cool; however, I find the tagging process rather a little cumbersome when having hundreds of tags and tagging many more entries than that a day (I do a lot of research).  Are there any plans to add any mark-up capabilities?  It'd be nice to be able to be able tag like so, for example: <deal> Aluminum Earphone For $0.84 Shipped with GCO <todo> car wash cash checks etc

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2007
    Thanks once again Chris, I've checked out the links and I think its fair to say I will have to wait until I'm able to upgrade to One Note 2007. I have got so use to having many different tabs for differnt subjects, but all under one folder heading. I just can't believe this product hasn't had more prominence in the software stable of Microsoft. Whatever the merits of Word, and there are many, it has many immitations, some of them, it has to be said are quite worthy, whereas One Note doesn't have an immitation as far as I know, unless Lotus Notes is in the same catagory.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2007
    Thanks for the answer Chris, so I understand that within OneNote, they are pretty robust. What I am thinking is more to have relevant files in a OneNote book diretory structure and be able to have them to follow the book, even if they are not OneNote files. (So links from OneNote to those files could be in relative path to the book.) I guess what I rely rely love of OneNote, is its organisation style, and I kind of test what are the limit. Thanks again.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2007
    andy: if you have less than a hundred tags, you can use the built-in tags. Maybe pull up the toolbar so you don't have to drop the picker all the time. Of course the top ten tags you use should be the ones that have keyboard shortcuts. If you have more than a hundred tags, you can do exactly what you are doing. Then just use the instant search to search for <deal> and you get a list of tagged items. Of course with this approach you can click through the list of results in the task pane but there is no summary page option. Steve: OneNote 2007 is twice the product 2003 was, so you're defintely better off using it instead. Now, if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I suppose we should be disappointed :-) Francois: I'm afraid I don't quite understand your scenario from what you wrote. What I do with files such as Word, PDF is to drop them onto OneNote pages. That way I can keep several together on a page and take notes about the project that involves those documents right next to them. There's no need for relative links in that case as the docs move with the notes at all times.

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2007
    Incredible App!  We are looking for a way to share across the network but allow certain individuals read-only access...  Is this possible?  I attempted to do this through NTFS permissions but it didn't work out.  Any ideas?

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2007
    Any plans for the PowerToys to include a support from Firefox(V2) to Onenote?  

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2007
    Chris, OneNote 2007 is a fantastic improvement over 2003, but I agree with a few of the comments on OLE - it would be a great future addition. For example, I'd love for Mindjet MindManager & OneNote to be able to come closer together via OLE.  Specifically, to be able to have a linked Mindmap shown in a OneNote note, but without it being a printout, or being embedded. Updating the Mindmap externally will update the note, and double-clicking the mindmap opens it in Mind Manager. With this, my life would almost be complete! :-)

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2007
    I realize that calendars aren't power toys, but is there any word on when the Calendars, particularly the daily calendars that were available for Jan - Dec 2006 ( will be available for this year - it's painful to create these pages on my own. Or is there an automated way to do this for a date range, i.e. not page by page per the current template process.  Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2007
    JasonB: OneNote just uses the file system's permissions. If you are using a file share (UNC path such as \servershare) then modify the permissions on the share to have "Everybody" as "read-only", then add the specific individuals whom you want to have write access separately with the correct permissions. This is just standard file share stuff - no magic. andy: thanks for the brain dump. I passed these on to the team Jacob: see my reply to Wayne above. Ian: Understood. BTW, if you are into MindManager check this out:"> kevin: Bug Dan to do this (I did):

  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2007
    Is there a toy or method for just clipping part of an e-mail from Outlook 2007 to OneNote? So far I can't find anyway to clip anything but a whole e-mail, when I just want to clip a highlighted section, preferably via a right click.

  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2007
    The discussion on using search for custom tags raised a question. The search will only give results for leading characters. Is there any way search for words which contain the characters?

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2007
    I am not a power user or power anything... I am trying to figure out a way to import web stuff into OneNote --- from say the New York Times, an article on Neurolaw say -- and when I paste it into OneNote it is a mess... I am sure I am missing something. Could it be so hard just to clip and paste it in? OneSnap does not work... Thanks for helping a 70 year old newbee

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2007
    "Jeanette: Use the Clip function, just like you would in IE. Just make sure that you have OneNote set to keep the window on top. You can actually do a screen clipping in any program!" That's my question. Is there a clip function in Outlook? And if so where is it? All I've been able to locate in Outlook is a OneNote button on the main page, which sends the entire email to OneNote. In IE the OneNote button sends what I've highlighted. I've been unable to find any way to get Outlook to send only the part of an email I highlight. I haven't located a OneNote button on the email window I'm reading. The only option I find is copy.  

  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2007
    2 suggestions for improvements:

  1. I'd like to be able to collaps all the subpages, so i only see the page level.
  2. I'd like to have, per section or per notebook, an automatically updated summary page of tags (without having to "show tagged notes" "create a summary page" and finally deleting the old one) Any ideas? Thanks, Ton
  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2007
    Jeanette, I think the suggestion was to use screen clipping, as opposed tot he "send to onenote" button. Try Windows-S, then clip the visible part of the email you want in OneNote. This puts an image with searchable text into OneNote. David, you can use screen clipping for parts of a web page as well. Or print the web page to the "Send to OneNote 2007" printer driver to get an exact replica. The reason a web page you put in OneNote via copy and paste (or use the IE button) does not look identical to what was in the browser is complicated but in brief it is because Onenote is not a web browser, and is designed for editing on a 2D surface so it has different display capabilities. Bill: the search does not work on substrings, sorry.

  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2007
    I have been looking for options to organize my projects and ideas and to organize the documents and notes that are associated with those projects according. Visio-like drawing and organizing softwares with flow charts and hierarchical organizing and linking capability would be great I found a solution that I'm looking for outside of OneNote MindManager is a brainstorming software, and it has an add-on that is capable of linking the elements of its charts to specific notes in OneNote That software cost a bit, while I have a Microsoft Visio license already; it would be great is such features are implemented in Visio... linking to specific notes in OneNote

  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2007
    I've become a OneNote Evangelist.  I inherited bookeeping & management of a trailer park just as my memory started to go!  OneNote IS my memory!!  Thanks for an awesome product. I would like to print out the entire Notebook to give to someone.  It looks like I can only do a section at a time.  Is there a way? Thanks, Jody

  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2007
    Menuhin - thanks for the suggestion. I passed it on to the team. J. Schoeps: you could publish (or save as) the entire notebook to PDF or XPS and then print that. You could also do this via MHTML and print from IE.

  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2007
    Hi there What would make OneNote 2007 mobile far better is if someone could make it possible to dial a phonenumber directly from a note. It is amazing that Microsoft did not think of this. Looking forward to it when it comes. Paul

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2008
    Dan Escapa is on a tear releasing a set of new PowerToys for OneNote 2007. What's going on is that a whole bunch of PowerToys were written internally on the OneNote team and by some of our &quot;friends&quot; inside the company over the last six months.