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Tulsa Geek Dinner Tomorrow Night!

VS08_h_rgb For those of you in Tulsa for the Heroes Happen {Here} Launch Event planned for Thursday night, David Walker, President of the famous Tulsa Developers User Group and organizer of Tulsa TechFest,  is planning a Geek Dinner type event TOMORROW NIGHT at 6:30 PM at the Spaghetti Warehouse on 221 E Brady (Shawn, I will register it as a "real" Geek Dinner at some point).

David would like everyone to please register for the event if possible so we know how big to make the reservation.  If you don't register, that's cool too - we still want you to come, but you might have to share a chair with someone :-)

Be there or turn in your pocket protector...

Technorati Tags: Launch,HHH,Tulsa
