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SQL Server Energy 2008 Vienna



SQL Server Energy 2008

Dates: 25.-26. November 2008

Venue: Leopold Museum, Vienna, Austria

Information und Registration:


Note: The web site and registration is in German, the sessions at SQL Energy will be in English.  


Rafal Lukawiecki, Robert Bruckner, Dejan Sarka, Steffen Krause, Itzik Ben-Gan, Ramesh Meyyappan, Maciej Pilecki, Kevin Ashby, Al Comeau, Michael Epprecht, and, and, and...some of the best international speakers in their fields of expertise in Data management with Microsoft SQL Server are coming to Vienna for the official Launch Conference for SQL Server 2008 in Austria: the SQL Server Energy 2008!


During these two days, you will get an extensive technical overview in the areas of Data Warehousing, Upgrade and Migration, Developer Productivity, Reporting and much more. 23 Sessions and 5 Chalk Talks will be presented in 2008 Minutes, covering the most important Information on SQL Server 2008. In varying technical levels, that are matched to your needs, you can experience Top International Speakers and SQL Server experts in Vienna! Get to know Microsoft Employees from the SQL Product Team in Redmond, and learn about the product from the people who know it best!

Business Intelligence Conference 2008

Date: 27. November 2008

Venue: Leopold Museum, Wien

Information und Registration:


Note: The web site and registration is in German, the sessions at Business Intelligence Conference 2008will be in German.


Without a doubt, you have invested in the last few years in IT Solutions for Reporting, Planning and Data . In many companies, there are already multiple Business Intelligence Systems in use. Now how do you achieve the required ROI on these investments? What is easier for employees to use than the already installed and trusted tools available to surface Business Intelligence, namely Excel, instead of expensive tools that require intensive training and expensive maintenance? And what benefits would your organization reap if consolidated data is present in a performant and inexpensive database, like SQL Server 2008? Just imagine the benefits!


At the Microsoft-Conference for Decision Makers, you can expect the newest information about BI Platforms and practical presentations in 2 tracks. Let yourself be informed by us about current solutions surrounding Monitoring, Analysis, Data Warehousing, Reporting and Data Mining, and at the same time, exchange ideas with colleagues; Local and International Experts, and Austrian Bi Solution partners. See how some CFO’s and CIO’s from customers present their current solutions surrounding Business Intelligence.

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