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Zap Technology Awarded for ISV/Solutions, Innovation


I am so excited that Zap Technology, one of our local Brisbane Based ISV’s that I have been working with recently, have been awarded the 2009 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference Award for ISV/Solutions, Innovation for our Business Analytics for Microsoft Dynamics solutions.

"Zap is totally focused on supporting the Microsoft Dynamics community with analytics solutions that drive profitable, repeatable business for Dynamics partners," said Garth D. Laird, President of Zap. "We deliver solutions that are 100% Microsoft technology, we've scaled up our geographical reach to provide global coverage, we are extending our solutions from NAV and CRM to also include GP and AX, and we are also working with many partners to deliver vertical solutions that provide tremendous competitive advantage."

A big congratulations to the great team at Zap Technology! This is very much well deserved!

In case you haven't had a chance to check out their award winning solution, I have included below a short movie that gives you a bit of a demo:

Zap will have representatives at both the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) in New Orleans in July & also at the Australian Partner Conference in September, so if you are heading along to either of these events, make sure you say hello to the great guys from Zap.