On a Cloud: Queue Batches
Queue: Batch Sizes
Building up on the queue fundamentals, in this video I cover the important of using batches of messages when you are trying to optimize for messaging throughput.
- Enabling high-throughput messaging systems
- Concerns to think about during design
Queue: Dynamic Batch Sizes
After working with batches for some time, I got really comfortable with letting a piece of software determine how many messages should be dequeued in a batch. This I developed on GitHub and have released a NuGet package to get you started.
- Software determines batch size
- Dynamically determining scale based on actual time it takes to process messages
For more information check on these Open Source projects on GitHub
- Azure Storage: https://github.com/jefking/King.Service
- Service Bus: https://github.com/jefking/King.Service.ServiceBus
These are also available for download via NuGet
- Azure Storage: https://www.nuget.org/packages/King.Service
- Service Bus: https://www.nuget.org/packages/King.Service.ServiceBus