Use gravity to generate Cartoon animation frames
I wrote a cartoon animation program around 1982 in C. The Honolulu Academy of Arts asked me to demo the program in their Focus on Computer Graphics.
The program allows the user to draw lines of a cartoon frame using the mouse. The user then saves that frame and draws another. To animate, the program draws the line segments of the 1st frame, then calculates and draws the “in between frames” that morph the 1st frame to the 2nd frame.
The new version below makes the Demo mode automatically generates cartoon frames of pairs of closed loop “objects” using gravity. It’s interesting to watch the shapes as they morph into other shapes.
I wrote the original on my $2100 IBM PC with 256K Ram and dual 360k floppy disk drives, running MSDOS, using the 100$ DeSmet C compiler.
I remember setting the machine up to use a RamDisk to minimize the swapping to Floppy disk when compiling and linking. I bought my first 23 Megabyte PC hard disk soon after.
The color graphics adapter on my machine had a display buffer: write a byte to address 0xb800 and it shows on the top left corner of the screen.
For animation to appear smooth, the code had to be fast, so I wrote the code in assembly code. The 8088 CPU ran at 4.77 Megahertz. Here’s the code to draw a single pixel from my cartoon program:
wdot(x,y) {
mov dx,[bp+6]
mov cx,[bp+4]
sal cx,1
;cx has column 0-639, dx has row 0-199
mov al,28h
push dx
and dl,0feh
mul dl
pop dx
test dl,1
jz r4
add ax,2000h
r4: mov si,ax ;address of first byte of row
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov dx,cx
mov cx,703h
and ch,dl ;address of pel within byte
shr dx,cl
add si,dx ;address of requested byte
mov cl,ch ;bit #
mov al,colfl_
shr al,cl ;put a 1 in the right bit location
xor es:[si],al
Similarly, I had to implement write my own line drawing based on Bresenham’s line algortihm
I wrote an RS232 Serial port decoder and mouse driver in assembly code to interface with my VisiOn mouse. Good thing my C Compiler supported inline assembly code (VS C++ still does)
I had to write my own pull-down menu code and decide various menu behaviors, like whether the menu disappears when the user moved off its area, whether the item was selected with a mouse down or mouse up, etc.
Microsoft Windows, coming a decade later made it easier for programmers to do such programming tasks. Mouse, Printer and Graphics drivers isolated the programmer from the myriad of devices and their quirks. Rather than having to buy every possible mouse/printer and testing my code against them, I could write to a common API.
I wanted to demo my Cartoon program and found there were a few problems with my post from 7 years ago.
The code in the original post is double spaced Visual Basic code, and white space is significant to VB, so some of the lines had syntax errors because of the spacing.
The Quotes, Apostrophes and hyphens were munged into the Word Smart Quote (here I attempt to use Word Quotes around a quote char “"”). The Apostrophe is the beginning of a comment in VB. (Here I attempt to use Word Smart Apostrophes around a normal apostrophe: ‘'’
Also while cleaning up the code for this post, I thought I’d add some new features.
1. Wrap around: after drawing the N-1 to Nth frame, draw the frames between the Nth frame to the first frame so the animations wrap around
2. I’ve added color, changing, so line segments are assigned a changing color: the Nth segment in each frame will be the same color. This allows more easily seeing how segments morph from one frame to the next.
3. I’ve added thickness, so if you’re using a stylus, the thickness will be proportional to the stylus pressure. Even without a stylus, the demo has a mode that increases the thickness with the line segment number
4. A slider allows the user to control the number of frames generated in between.
5. Demo: I’ve made the demo mode automatically generate cartoon frames. By default, it generates 20 frames of 2 objects each, with each object composed of 1000 lines
a. The 2 objects each are drawn randomly, starting from an initial random point and an initial random velocity.
b. The 4 walls each exert a force on the line inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the wall, just as gravity does (inverse square law). This force causes an acceleration which is perturbed randomly in the cartoon frame.
c. The final line segment of each object is a line connecting the last point with the first point, thus forming a closed curve. For these 2 objects, the colors are blue and pink.
d. If you hit the Left Control button and click Demo, the demo will vary the line thickness from thinnest to thickest per object.
Try running the code below
1. Using a mouse, your finger or a stylus, draw a shape with multiple line segments. The Status shows the # of line segments. Try several hundred segments.
2. Hit New Frame
3. Draw another one of roughly the same # of line segments.
4. Hit Play
5. Try moving the slider (or using the mouse wheel) to change the number of generated animation frames.
6. Try drawing the letters of the alphabet in each frame.
See also:
Why was the original IBM PC 4.77 Megahertz?
< Code>
Imports System.Windows.Markup
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Threading
' Start Visual Studio.
' File-> New->Project->Visual Basic->Windows->WPF
' Replace MainWindow.xaml.vb with this code
' see also
Class MainWindow
Friend WithEvents btnNewFrame As Button
Friend WithEvents btnErase As Button
Friend WithEvents btnPlay As Button
Friend WithEvents btnDemo As Button
Friend WithEvents btnReset As Button
Friend WithEvents sldBetween As Slider
Friend txtStatus As TextBlock
Private _AnimControl As AnimControl
Sub Load() Handles MyBase.Initialized
WindowState = WindowState.Maximized
Title = "Cartoon Animation by Calvin Hsia 1982"
Dim xaml =
xmlns:x="" LastChildFill="True">
<StackPanel Background="Transparent" Orientation="Vertical" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<TextBlock>Draw To create lines For a cartoon frame. Add a New frame, hit play.
Rebirth Of Calvin's cartoon program circa 1982
<Border DockPanel.Dock="Top" Height="25">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button Name="btnNewFrame"
ToolTip="Add current drawing to cartoon, so you can create a new one">_New Frame</Button>
<Button Name="btnErase"
ToolTip="erase current frame">_Erase</Button>
<Button Name="btnPlay"
ToolTip="Animate the current frames or stop animation" Width="40">_Play</Button>
<Button Name="btnDemo"
ToolTip="Automatically generate frames with curves. Left Ctrl-Click to vary thickness">_Demo</Button>
<Button Name="btnReset"
ToolTip="Erase all frames">_Reset</Button>
<Slider Name="sldBetween" Width="200"
ToolTip="# Frames to generate in between"
Maximum="1000" Minimum="0" Value="500"/>
<TextBlock Name="txtStatus"/>
<UserControl Name="MyCtrl"/>
Dim dPanel = CType(XamlReader.Load(xaml.CreateReader), DockPanel)
Dim MyCtrl = CType(dPanel.FindName("MyCtrl"), UserControl)
_AnimControl = New AnimControl(Me)
MyCtrl.Content = _AnimControl
btnPlay = CType(dPanel.FindName("btnPlay"), Button)
btnNewFrame = CType(dPanel.FindName("btnNewFrame"), Button)
btnPlay = CType(dPanel.FindName("btnPlay"), Button)
btnDemo = CType(dPanel.FindName("btnDemo"), Button)
btnErase = CType(dPanel.FindName("btnErase"), Button)
btnReset = CType(dPanel.FindName("btnReset"), Button)
txtStatus = CType(dPanel.FindName("txtStatus"), TextBlock)
sldBetween = CType(dPanel.FindName("sldBetween"), Slider)
Me.Content = dPanel
End Sub
Sub winloaded() Handles Me.Loaded
End Sub
Sub btnNewFrame_Click() Handles btnNewFrame.Click
End Sub
Sub btnPlay_Click() Handles btnPlay.Click
If _AnimControl._timer.IsEnabled Then
btnNewFrame_Click() ' save any currently drawn changes first
btnPlay.Content = "Sto_p"
End If
End Sub
Sub StopPlay()
If _AnimControl._timer.IsEnabled Then
btnPlay.Content = "_Play"
_AnimControl._timer.IsEnabled = False
End If
End Sub
Sub btnDemo_Click() Handles btnDemo.Click
Dim varyThickness = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl)
End Sub
Sub btnErase_Click() Handles btnErase.Click
End Sub
Sub btnReset_Click() Handles btnReset.Click
End Sub
Friend Sub RefreshStatus()
Me.txtStatus.Text = $"Between={CInt(sldBetween.Value),4:n0} Frame count={_AnimControl._UserFrameList.Count} #Lines={_AnimControl._CurLineList.Count} CurFrame={_AnimControl._ndxUserFrame}"
End Sub
End Class
Public Class AnimControl
Inherits FrameworkElement
Friend WithEvents _timer As New DispatcherTimer
Friend _rand = New Random()
Private _MainWindow As MainWindow
Friend _ndxUserFrame As Integer ' index into user created frames.
Private _ndxBetween As Integer ' from 0 to nBetween
Private _ptCurrent As Point?
Private _ptOld As Point?
Private _fPenDown As Boolean
Private _PenModeDrag As Boolean = True ' either create line segs, or continuous drag to create multiple segs
' lines to draw for current image: could be while composing, or playing.
Friend _CurLineList As New List(Of cFrameLine)
Public Const ThicknessDefault = 10
Public Const ThicknessMax = 50
Public Const InBetweenDefault = 100
'Frames stored by user
Friend _UserFrameList As New List(Of cCartoonFrame)
Sub New(w As MainWindow)
_MainWindow = w
End Sub
Sub Reset()
Me._MainWindow.sldBetween.Value = InBetweenDefault
Me._UserFrameList.Clear() ' erase all user data
End Sub
Sub EraseBtn() ' erase current frame
Me._ptOld = Nothing
Me._fPenDown = False
End Sub
Sub Demo(varyThickness As Boolean)
Dim nFrames = 20
Dim numObjects = 2
Dim numSegsPerObject = 1000
Dim fForce = Me.ActualHeight / 5
Dim pow = 2
Dim wallBound = 15
For nFrame = 0 To nFrames - 1
Dim nInitSpeed = 4
For nObject = 0 To numObjects - 1
Dim pos0 As New Point With {
.X = _rand.Next(Me.ActualWidth),
.Y = _rand.Next(Me.ActualHeight)
Dim startPos = pos0
Dim vel As New Vector With {
.X = _rand.NextDouble * nInitSpeed,
.Y = _rand.NextDouble * nInitSpeed
Dim thickness = AnimControl.ThicknessDefault
For nSeg = 0 To numSegsPerObject - 2
Dim pos1 = Point.Add(pos0, vel)
If varyThickness Then
thickness = 1 + AnimControl.ThicknessMax * nSeg / numSegsPerObject
End If
Me._CurLineList.Add(New cFrameLine(pos0, pos1, thickness))
' all 4 walls exert a force proportional to inverse square of distance
Dim dWest = Math.Max(pos1.X, wallBound) ' displacement
Dim accWest = fForce / dWest ^ pow
Dim dEast = Math.Max(Me.ActualWidth - pos1.X, wallBound)
Dim accEast = -fForce / dEast ^ pow
Dim dNorth = Math.Max(pos1.Y, wallBound)
Dim accNorth = fForce / dNorth ^ pow
Dim dSouth = Math.Max(Me.ActualHeight - pos1.Y, wallBound)
Dim accSouth = -fForce / dSouth ^ pow
Dim accEastWest = (accEast + accWest) * _rand.NextDouble * 20
Dim accNorthSouth = (accNorth + accSouth) * _rand.NextDouble * 20
Dim accel = New Vector(accEastWest, accNorthSouth)
vel = Vector.Add(vel, accel)
pos0 = pos1 ' next line segment starts at end of cur seg
' now add a final line segment that closes the curve
Me._CurLineList.Add(New cFrameLine(pos0, startPos))
Me._UserFrameList.Add(New cCartoonFrame(Me._CurLineList))
Me._CurLineList.Clear() ' reset for next frame
End Sub
Sub NewFrame()
If _CurLineList.Count > 0 Then
Dim curFrame = New cCartoonFrame(_CurLineList)
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub Play()
If _UserFrameList.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox("Need at least 2 frames to animate")
End If
If _timer.IsEnabled Then ' if we're already playing, stop
_timer.IsEnabled = False
_timer.Interval = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 50) ' days,hrs,mins,secs,msecs
_timer.IsEnabled = True
End If
Me._fPenDown = False
Me._ndxUserFrame = 0
Me._ndxBetween = 1 ' 1st is drawn now, next by timer tick
Me._CurLineList.AddRange(Me._UserFrameList(0)._Lines) 'get the 1st frame
Me.InvalidateVisual() ' show it
End Sub
Sub tmr_tick() Handles _timer.Tick ' let's do the animating
If _ndxUserFrame = Me._UserFrameList.Count Then ' restart at last frame
Me._ndxUserFrame = 0
Me._ndxBetween = 0
End If
Dim frmLeft = Me._UserFrameList(Me._ndxUserFrame) ' the frame on the left
Dim ndxFrmRight = Me._ndxUserFrame + 1
If ndxFrmRight = Me._UserFrameList.Count Then
ndxFrmRight = 0 ' wrap around to first frame
End If
Dim frmRight = Me._UserFrameList(ndxFrmRight)
Dim nBetween = CInt(_MainWindow.sldBetween.Value) + 1
Dim fnInterpolate = Function(lVal, rVal) lVal + Me._ndxBetween * (rVal - lVal) / nBetween
Dim nLinesToDraw = Math.Max(frmLeft._Lines.Count, frmRight._Lines.Count) - 1
Dim pt0, pt1 As Point
For ndx = 0 To nLinesToDraw ' calc the lines to draw
Dim lineLeft = frmLeft._Lines(Math.Min(ndx, frmLeft._Lines.Count - 1))
Dim lineRight = frmRight._Lines(Math.Min(ndx, frmRight._Lines.Count - 1))
Dim thickness = fnInterpolate(lineLeft.thickness, lineRight.thickness)
pt0.X = fnInterpolate(lineLeft.pt0.X, lineRight.pt0.X)
pt0.Y = fnInterpolate(lineLeft.pt0.Y, lineRight.pt0.Y)
pt1.X = fnInterpolate(lineLeft.pt1.X, lineRight.pt1.X)
pt1.Y = fnInterpolate(lineLeft.pt1.Y, lineRight.pt1.Y)
Dim newLine = New cFrameLine(pt0, pt1, thickness)
If Me._ndxBetween >= nBetween Then ' we've reached the right
Me._ndxUserFrame += 1 ' advance to next user frame
Me._ndxBetween = 0
End If
Me._ndxBetween += 1 ' advance to next frame
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnRender(drawingContext As DrawingContext)
New Pen(Brushes.Purple, 1),
New Rect(0, 0, Me.RenderSize.Width, Me.RenderSize.Height))
Dim colorVal = &H0
Dim colorDelta = IIf(_timer.IsEnabled, Me._CurLineList.Count, 50)
For Each lin In Me._CurLineList ' draw the lines in the current frame
Dim c = Color.FromRgb((colorVal / 256) And &HFF,
(colorVal / 256 / 256) And &HFF,
colorVal And &HFF)
Dim brush = New SolidColorBrush(c)
Dim oPen = New Pen(brush, lin.thickness)
colorVal = (colorVal + 10 * colorDelta) Mod &HFFFFFF
drawingContext.DrawLine(oPen, lin.pt0, lin.pt1)
If Me._fPenDown Then
If Me._ptOld.HasValue Then
New Pen(Brushes.Black, 2),
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(e As MouseButtonEventArgs)
If e.RightButton = MouseButtonState.Pressed Then
Me._PenModeDrag = Not Me._PenModeDrag ' toggle modes on right click
If Me._PenModeDrag Then
Me._ptOld = e.GetPosition(Me)
If e.RightButton = MouseButtonState.Pressed Then
Me._fPenDown = False
Me._ptOld = Nothing
Me._fPenDown = True
Me._ptCurrent = e.GetPosition(Me) ' get cur pos rel to self
If Not Me._ptOld.HasValue Then
Me._ptOld = Me._ptCurrent ' same
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As MouseEventArgs)
If Me._PenModeDrag Then
If e.LeftButton = MouseButtonState.Pressed Then
If Me._ptOld.HasValue Then
Me._ptCurrent = e.GetPosition(Me)
Dim thickNesss = AnimControl.ThicknessDefault
If e.StylusDevice IsNot Nothing Then
Dim pts = e.StylusDevice.GetStylusPoints(e.StylusDevice.Target)
Dim avgPressure = Aggregate pt In pts Into Average(pt.PressureFactor)
thickNesss = AnimControl.ThicknessMax * avgPressure
End If
Dim newFrameLine = New cFrameLine(Me._ptOld, Me._ptCurrent, thickNesss)
Me._ptOld = Me._ptCurrent
End If
End If
If Me._fPenDown Then
If Me._ptOld.HasValue Then
Me._ptCurrent = e.GetPosition(Me)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(e As MouseButtonEventArgs)
If Me._fPenDown Then
Me._ptCurrent = e.GetPosition(Me) ' get cur pos rel to self
Dim newFrameLine = New cFrameLine(Me._ptOld, Me._ptCurrent)
Me._ptOld = Me._ptCurrent
Me._fPenDown = False
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseWheel(e As MouseWheelEventArgs)
If Me._timer.IsEnabled Then ' only when playing
Me._MainWindow.sldBetween.Value += If(e.Delta > 0, 10, -10)
End If
End Sub
Public Class cCartoonFrame ' User created cartoon frame
Public ReadOnly _Lines As New List(Of cFrameLine) ' a frame is a list of lines
' # of frames to gen between real user frames
Sub New(lst As List(Of cFrameLine))
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("LineCount = {0}", _Lines.Count)
End Function
End Class
'A line to be animated. Could belong to a real or gen'd user frame, or while user is actively drawing
Public Class cFrameLine ' User created cartoon line. It's just 2 points.
Friend ReadOnly pt0 As Point
Friend ReadOnly pt1 As Point
Friend ReadOnly thickness As Double
Sub New(pt0 As Point, pt1 As Point, Optional thickness As Double = AnimControl.ThicknessDefault)
Me.pt0 = pt0
Me.pt1 = pt1
Me.thickness = thickness
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("Line = ({0:n0}, {1:n0}) ({2:n0}, {3:n0}) {4:n3}", pt0.X, pt0.Y, pt1.X, pt1.Y, (pt1 - pt0).Length)
End Function
End Class
End Class
- Anonymous
September 16, 2016
The comment has been removed