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Christian's NAV Blog

Blog about Add-ins for the Role Tailored Client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Hands-On AddIn Workshop Dynamics NAV 2013: Creating a Bing Map AddIn with server side geocoding

Preface Recently I had the honor to give a Hands On workshop on Client Extensibility for Dynamics...

Date: 11/14/2012

Sticky Post: Download links from the blog posts in one spot

Find here some downloads from the Blog Posts collected in one spot. Dynamics NAV 2013 - Bing Map...

Date: 11/13/2012

Source code release of the Lync communication AddIn for Dynamics NAV 2013

I am glad to announce the availability of the Lync AddIn, and even in source code! This is actually...

Date: 11/01/2012

Visual Studio templates for NAV Add-Ins updated to support also Visual Studio 2012

Just a quick note: I have updated the templates for Visual Studio that help you to create the...

Date: 09/03/2012

Add-Ins in Dynamics NAV 2013 (2#3) – Add-in exposing custom API to C/AL

Introduction Add-Ins in NAV 2009 where all about data binding a custom visual component through the...

Date: 08/17/2012

Quick Tip: Remember to check than an event is assigned before calling

  With NAV 2009 R2 The ControlAddIn event had been introduced. An Add-In can raise this event...

Date: 07/18/2012

Add-Ins in Dynamics NAV 2013 (1#3) – Interfaces for data binding and the OnControlAddIn trigger

Introduction With the arrival of Dynamics NAV 2013 later this year we will introduce a few...

Date: 07/10/2012

Add-Ins in Dynamics NAV 2013 - Loading of NAV R2 AddIns in NAV 2013

Dynamics NAV 2013 appears at the horizon. Selected partners have received already many builds and a...

Date: 07/10/2012

Timeline Business Data Visualization in Inventory Projection for DynamicsNAV 2009 R2

Just have released a new improved release of the Timeline visualization for DynamicsNAV 2009 R2 on...

Date: 05/31/2011

Hands On Lab at Directions EMEA on Add-ins for the Role Tailored client

If you are attending Directions EMEA 2011 in Berlin and you want to try out creating some cool...

Date: 05/09/2011

Visual Studio 2010 Templates for Add-ins in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 RoleTailored client

When Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 had been released with the possibility to host your own client controls...

Date: 05/09/2011

Hotfix released for “Full Screen” mode with the RoleTailored Client

Two new command line parameters have been introduced for the RoleTailored client of Microsoft...

Date: 08/11/2010

Showing Bitmap flags in the Repeater (!!! Without Add-ins !!!)

I have heard this a number of times: "How do I show Bitmaps in a RTC Repeater?" This seems not to...

Date: 03/17/2010

Announcement: Treemap Business Data Visualization available on PartnerSource and CustomerSource

Christmas is near and I am proud to have a colorful present for the Dynamics NAV community. The...

Date: 12/05/2009

Resources for my DynamicsNAV Client Extensibility sessions at Directions 09 in Austin, Tx

This morning I have arrived back from Directions 2009 in Austin, Texas. Directions was a fantastic...

Date: 11/16/2009

Add-ins for the RoleTailored client of Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 (part2)

Yesterday afternoon, a colleague from Italy send me an IM asking for help on a customer scenario....

Date: 10/14/2009

Preloaded with Add-ins: Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 VPC available

A Virtual PC image of Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 is available for partners on Microsoft Partner Source!...

Date: 09/22/2009

How to: Debugging of Add-ins

Recently I was giving a presentation about Client Add-ins and it turned out that the audience had...

Date: 09/22/2009

“Hot Topic” recording on Client Extensibility available for Dynamics NAV partners!

Yesterday I have recorded a “Hot Topic” on Client Extensibility and the creation of Add-Ins. Feel...

Date: 09/02/2009

Registration tool for Dynamics NAV RoleTailored client Add-ins

Update (11. Aug 2010): Updated registration tool for Add-ins libraries that reside in other...

Date: 06/08/2009

Add-Ins for the RoleTailored client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 (part1)

(updated: Sample project download: Sept 09) (updated to SP1 CTP2 and release API: 07.June09)...

Date: 05/06/2009

After Directions EMEA 09, waiting for the Statement of Directions

Directions EMEA last week was fantastic! A big thanks to the organizers!!! I had the great pleasure...

Date: 04/08/2009

This is the start of my Dynamics NAV Blog

For a while now I wanted to start blogging about Dynamics NAV technical topics and by that hopefully...

Date: 03/24/2009