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SharePoint Online PowerShell Cmdlets

I'm hoping to clear up some confusion between SharePoint Online PowerShell Cmdlets and SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / 2016 Server Cmdlets. Our terminology of SharePoint, SharePoint On-Premises, SharePoint Online, O365, Cloud and Hybrid can cause some administrative confusion for what actions you can and cannot do between the products and where you can perform those actions.

NOTE: SharePoint 2013 / 2016 and SharePoint Online do not share cmdlets and the cmdlets are not interchangeable. The SharePoint Online cmdlets are have a similar format but they all contain "SPO" in the cmdlets. The SharePoint On-Premises cmdlets contain "SP" in the cmdlets.

Update - Here is a link to the SharePoint On-Premises PowerShell cmdlets

SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / 2016 = get-spsite
SharePoint Online = get-sposite

I've downloaded and installed the SPO Management Shell, released on 6/9/2016, using the following version:

SharePoint Online Management Shell Build - 5326.1200 x64 en-us

Here are all of the PowerShell Cmdlets available for SharePoint Online (as of 6/9/2016) sorted by Verb:
1) Add-SPOUser
2) Connect-SPOService
3) ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage
4) Disconnect-SPOService
5) Get-SPOAppErrors
6) Get-SPOAppInfo
7) Get-SPODeletedSite
8) Get-SPOExternalUser
9) Get-SPOMigrationJobProgress
10) Get-SPOMigrationJobStatus
11) Get-SPOSite
12) Get-SPOSiteGroup
13) Get-SPOTenant
14) Get-SPOTenantLogEntry
15) Get-SPOTenantLogLastAvailableTimeInUtc
16) Get-SPOTenantSyncClientRestriction
17) Get-SPOUser
18) Get-SPOWebTemplate
19) New-SPOMigrationPackage
20) New-SPOSite
21) New-SPOSiteGroup
22) Remove-SPODeletedSite
23) Remove-SPOExternalUser
24) Remove-SPOMigrationJob
25) Remove-SPOSite
26) Remove-SPOSiteGroup
27) Remove-SPOTenantSyncClientRestriction
28) Remove-SPOUser
29) Repair-SPOSite
30) Request-SPOPersonalSite
31) Request-SPOUpgradeEvaluationSite
32) Restore-SPODeletedSite
33) Revoke-SPOUserSession
34) Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource
35) Set-SPOSite
36) Set-SPOSiteGroup
37) Set-SPOTenant
38) Set-SPOTenantSyncClientRestriction
39) Set-SPOUser
40) Submit-SPOMigrationJob
41) Test-SPOSite
42) Upgrade-SPOSite

Here are the cmdlets available in SharePoint 2013 / 2016 PowerShell, for managing and connecting to SharePoint Online.

In future posts I'll go into some scripting examples of how to perform actions using both SharePoint Online and SharePoint On-Premises examples.

Brian Dool