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Book Plug: Advanced ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls For .NET Framework 3.5

View Larger Cover ImageI recently got a copy of Advanced ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls For .NET Framework 3.5.  This promises to be a great book.   With .NET Framework 3.5, Ajax is really interesting the mainstream and the Ajax Server Controls make it very easy for the millions of ASP.NET developers to easily take advantage of the power Ajax offers.  

Enjoy it!


image This is the first book in the .NET Development Series to come out since I was asked to be on the editorial board for the series.  It is great to get a chance to work with John Montgomery and Don Box.  While the only pay I get for this gig is free books, I am excited to be able to help connect the industry experts on the most important technologies to the widest possible audience.    If you do have title or author suggestions for the .NET Development Series, please let me know.


  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2008
    Decided a few days ago to add this to the list of books to buy on monday. It looks very promissing. :)

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2008
    I'm giving away three copies of the book here, if anyone's interested:

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2008
    【原文地址】 Book Plug: Advanced ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls For .NET Framework 3.5 【原文发表日期】 22 August 08