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Welcome Yahoo! Search Marketing API Program Advertisers

As the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance moves forward, we’re pleased to welcome developers from the Yahoo! Search Marketing API Program to the adCenter API Community.

Yahoo! API customers will be receiving additional details about the transition to the Microsoft adCenter API over the next few months via email. First of all, Yahoo! API customers will receive instructions on how to access the adCenter API Sandbox environment. Then, in the coming months, they’ll also receive access to the adCenter API Production environment.

Most changes are not taking place at this time, but once integration steps are complete, they will be put into action.

   · Microsoft will provide the technology that delivers both paid and algorithmic search results to Yahoo!

   · All search advertisers will use adCenter to manage campaigns across the Yahoo! and Microsoft unified search marketplace.

   · Pricing for all search ads will be set by the Microsoft automated auction process.

   · Microsoft will support self-serve search advertising through adCenter. Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies' premium search advertisers.

If those of you who are Yahoo! API advertisers aren’t familiar with the Microsoft adCenter API, we’ve developed documentation that includes tips and best practices for coding from Yahoo! API to the adCenter API. Here are some resources:

   · Microsoft Developer Network. Consult the Microsoft adCenter API documentation on MSDN for overviews and reference. Also, view the Yahoo! Search Marketing API to Microsoft adCenter API Migration Guide that offers tips and resources specifically for migrating from the Yahoo! API to the adCenter API.

   · Microsoft adCenter API Developer Forum. This is a community for adCenter API users. You are encouraged to participate by reviewing answers to posted questions, and you can post your own questions if you encounter issues. Help the community grow by providing answers to posts.

   · adCenter API Software Development Kit. Get a quick look at what’s new in the SDK.

   · Training and webcasts. The Microsoft adCenter API team offers tutorials and updates before the release of API versions. Visit the adCenter API Community, and expect to see e-mail invitations.

Keep an eye on your inbox and the API Blog over the next few months for the latest Search Alliance updates.