How to set 'no end date' for an ad group in V5
Archived: February 19, 2008
This question came up today as part of the API V5 Live Meeting: How do we set "no end date" for an ad group in v5?
To have no end date in effect for your ad group, do not assign an end date in the AdGroup.EndDate property when calling the AddAdGroups service operation. This will effectively set the end date to a very distant date (multiple decades away) that adCenter considers 'no end date'.
To set the start date for an ad group to today's date (as reflected on the adCenter API server), do not assign a start date in the AdGroup.StartDate property when calling the AddAdGroups service operation.
The start and end date defaults (when not specified) are documented in the AdGroup Class (V5) topic, in the Property Description section (as part of the AddAdGroups explanation).
Thank you.
Walter Poupore
Lead Programming Writer
Microsoft adCenter API