API Upgrade for Editorial Validation Errors
We?ve recently updated the adCenter API Production and Sandbox+ environments for Version 5 to improve transparency for editorial decisions.
The EditorialApiFaultDetail.EditorialErrors property now contains any editorial validation errors. Previously, this array was always empty.
This will help you understand editorial decisions, and take action to appropriately update these ads and keywords to meet editorial guidelines.
The adCenter user interface was also upgraded this week with new and improved features each designed to give you easier, more efficient ways to use adCenter. In our upcoming monthly webcast, Shamit Patel, the API program manager, will discuss a comparison of adCenter user interface features and API features.
API Version 5 Live Meeting is schedule May 20th, at 1 p.m. Pacific time. Call-in information to join the conference call will be provided in the Live Meeting.
We will also be preparing articles for the blog to document the comparison of the adCenter UI and API features.
Reminder: Version 4 of the API will be supported for at least 100 days from today. Please continue to actively migrate your applications from Version 4 to Version 5 of the API to avoid any disruption of your service.
adCenter UI Upgrade highlights
For more about the UI upgrades,see the advertiser blog post adCenter spring upgrade: campaign management updates
adCenter Team