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The Microsoft Certified Architect Program

Quite a few folks have expressed an interest in the Microsoft Certified Architect Program. This is a masters level certification program for architects of all types, not just just architects that focus on Microsoft technologies.


More than 100 people at Microsoft and from the IT industry in the world today have become Microsoft Certified Architects since the program was launched about two years ago. For people who are interested to become an MCA, they may wonder what it is like to go through the certification process. In this interview with Biff Gaut, who earned his MCA title during the pilot phase of the MCA programs, Dr. Zhiming Xue ā€œZā€, Architect Evangelist of the Microsoft DPE East Region, and George Cerbone, Microsoft MCA Program Manager and an MCA himself, interview Biff Gaut about the untold aspects of the grueling interview process, the trade-offs candidates have to make, and the key things to do before the interview day.   See

