Azure Linux Team Blog
Information and musings from the Azure Linux team
Deploying a NixOS VM on Microsoft Azure
Today we are excited to announce the ability to provision a NixOS VM on Azure. NixOS is a Linux...
Date: 07/22/2016
Azure CLI 0.10.2 release update (5th July 2016)
Greetings! We are excited to announce updates to the Azure CLI in the July release. In the upcoming...
Date: 07/20/2016
VM Scale set scale command is now available in the 0.10.1 Azure CLI release
Since we released the Azure VM Scale Set (VMSS) CLI set of commands at the end of Mar’ 2016, we...
Date: 06/06/2016
Azure CLI Compute release updates (2nd May 2016)
I am excited to share with you a few updates to the Azure CLI given feedback and recommendations. We...
Date: 05/04/2016
Guidance for community vm images not migrating from VM Depot to Azure Marketplace
Since we announced the effort to migrate all Bitnami images to Azure Marketplace a few weeks ago...
Date: 05/03/2016
Hello world!
Welcome to Developer Network. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Date: 04/03/2016