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CATwalk Author Bio: Marc van Eijk

Welcome to our first CATwalk Author Bio! We're the AzureCAT team. Since "CAT" stands for Customer Advisory Team, saying "AzureCAT team" is sort of like saying "We're the Azure Customer Advisory Team team." … which is weird.

Anyway, CATwalk is our new series of blogs where you get to meet the CATs who make our content possible! For our first CATwalk, we're going to get to know Marc van Eijk.


Marc is an AzureCAT Senior Program Manager from Netherlands. He has a range of expertise, including Hybrid Cloud Architecture (Hybrid Applications across Azure and Azure Stack), DevOps, and ARM (Azure Resource Manager).

Marc has been working in the IT industry since 2000. Eventually, he became a specialist in Windows Azure for Windows Server when it was just starting. He has grown to become a well-known expert in Azure and Azure Stack, eventually being awarded the MVP (Most Valuable Professional) title at Microsoft. As an MVP and a vTSP (Virtual Technical Sales Professional), he continued to help out countless customers get started with Azure, which led to him being hired by Microsoft in 2016 as part of AzureCAT, to help us lead key customer engagements.


Marc van Eijk's Twitter account. Marc has been heavily involved in the Twitter community since July 2012.

In February 2018, Marc made this tweet:



In July 2018, Marc authored our Develop ARM templates for consistency article on Microsoft Docs. That article completes a tradition that AzureCAT has had where we've built out whitepapers that explain the best practices for ARM templates. This one brings the tradition home, into more permanent online content.

In September 2018, Marc authored our Design considerations for hybrid applications. In addition to the online articles, you can download the Whitepaper on This guidance explores how Azure and its components can help you reuse your development investment to build hybrid applications.

Some repositories from Marc van Eijk's GitHub account:


You'll also likely find more of Marc's Hybrid Architectural content on the Hybrid Cloud Architecture portal:

Here is our tag for Marc's Guidance:


I want to thank Marc for his contributions to the Microsoft community this far, and we look forward to many more! Pleas send him a tweet to thank him: Marc van Eijk's Twitter account

Or leave a comment below, if you're twitterless.


AzureCAT Guidance

"Hands-on solutions, with our heads in the Cloud!"