Updated Item Templates for Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Express for Windows Developer Preview
Microsoft recently released the developer preview of the next version Windows as well as a developer preview of Visual Studio 11 for building apps on the new version of Windows. Some of you may have noticed that the “New Item” template for creating a WCF Data Services isn't working correctly (this is pre-release “preview” software after all). We have created a fix for these templates that you can use to unblock creating a WCF Data Service. The details of apply the fix are below – keep in mind this version of Visual Studio is a preview release only and the fix should only be used with that version of Visual Studio and should not be applied to any other beta/RTM version of Visual Studio.
Installation Instructions for Updates Templates:
1. Download and unzip the templates attached to this post.
2. Install the new templates. There are 4 templates to install, and installing them simply requires that you copy the attached templates over the ones in the Visual Studio directory. The names of the templates and the location to copy them are in the table below (each location is relative to the base Visual Studio install directory).
Template Location AdoNetDataServiceCSharpWap.zip <Program Files>\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\1033 AdoNetDataServiceVBWap.zip <Program Files>\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\VisualBasic\Web\1033 AdoNetDataServiceCSharpWebsite.zip <Program Files>\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\Web\CSharp\1033 AdoNetDataServiceVBWebsite.zip <Program Files>\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\Web\VisualBasic\1033
3. Update Visual Studio.
a. Close any active instances of Visual Studio 2011.
b. Open an elevated Visual Studio 2011 Developer Command Prompt. You can find a tile for this from the start screen, right-click the tile, select the Advanced button and select Run as administrator.
c. In the developer command prompt enter the command “devenv /installvstemplates”
d. Wait for the command to complete and then start Visual Studio and the Item Templates should be working.
If you have any comments or questions on using WCF Data Services in the developer preview of Visual Studio please don’t hesitate to send them to us.
Shayne Burgess
Program Manager OData
September 22, 2011
I am unable to find the devenv.exe file, is this enabled or do I have to turn on a feature?Anonymous
September 26, 2011
the deven.exe is in the <Program Files>Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7IDE directoryAnonymous
September 26, 2011
It is a little out of topic, but hope, somebody can help, or point this comment to the right forum. Could somebody tell me where can I download the domainService and LINQtoSqlDomainService ItemTemplates for VS2010 WCF RIA Services, because they are missing in my VS2010 installation. Thanks in advance GaborAnonymous
September 28, 2011
Thanks for replying Gabor, i have looked in that folder and do not see the file. Actually i did a search of my whole win8 machine and couldnt find devenv. Is there a windows feature that i need to install to get that to work?Anonymous
September 28, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 04, 2011
For those having trouble finding devenv.exe, are you running from within a Visual Studio 2011 elevated command prompt? devenv.exe is the exe that starts Visual Studio. Gabor: you should be able to download the WCF RIA Services templates here: www.microsoft.com/.../details.aspx ShayneAnonymous
October 12, 2011
Is OData v3 in the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview? Or is it still v2? For example, are the Any/All keywords supported with the install that comes with Visual Studio 11?Anonymous
October 13, 2011
Visual Studio 2011 supports up to V2. The V3 protocol is still in the CTP stage.Anonymous
October 16, 2011
after following these instructions I still cannot add a WCF item to my C# projects. I'm getting the error message here: connect.microsoft.com/.../vs-11-wcf-error (screen shot here: stackoverflow.com/.../visual-studio-11-adding-wcf-data-service-error)Anonymous
October 19, 2011
has this been resolved, I can't find devenv.exe on my machine either. thanks